WOO HOO!!!!!!

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Okay guys this is the 30th chapter of this book and I'm so happy to hear that people *cough* BubblyMikey24 *cough* UnicornMermaidXOXO1 *cough* are enjoying this book!!! Please go check out
BubblyMikey24 and UnicornMermaidXOXO1 because they are such amazing and supportive people and they are DEFINITELY gonna keep your self esteem up and make sure you're heard about! I can't believe that every chapter of this book has either a comment or vote and that makes me ever so happy to see that you guys enjoy my writing! I will continue updating until you guys seem no longer interested in my crazy and random life!
Your happy writer and friend,
-Beachy Sweet
Stay peachy! 🍑
P.S. What's your favourite colour?

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