This Kid... X3

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Okay so the X3 means I have three stories about you know who.
Okay so the stories will go in chronological order.
1st one
So UnicornMermaidXOXO1 and I had a presentation to present, and we did so today.
We were presenting in front of our entire class, which made me a little scared. But I had to do what I had to do.
I was talking when I look around the class to appear that I was talking to an audience when I see M looking at me, and when I looked at him he looked at UnicornMermaidXOXO1 which was so awkward I can't even explain.
2nd one
I was waiting for my French homework to be handed out to me and guess who gave it to me?? I don't even need to say any more. This wasn't a big deal, because these "coincidences" happen everyday. I pulled my paper from his hand, and he didn't let go, which was weird. Then I looked at him with a confused face, and he just smiled. He kinda looked like a paedophile, just smiling at me. I took my paper and didn't look back.
3rd one
So I was walking out of the gym storage closet because I had already got the badminton rackets 🏸 and birdie for kpoptrash72 when all of a sudden I see M's face pop out from I don't know where and he asks me if I
I died and I declined right away. I don't know if he was talking to me but that's how it came across
3rd one
So I was sitting at my desk working on a flight project with kpoptrash72 when Tone gets up from his chair (he sits beside me, trust me this info will make things less confusing) and left class for whatever reason. All of a sudden, I feel someone's back touch mine, so I turn around, expecting it to be Tone. But NOPE. It's M. I moved towards kpoptrash72 and he moved towards me. Again. Honestly I'm pretty done with this guy!
So the past 3 days have been awkward!
*sarcastic "YAY!"*
At least in Canada 🇨🇦
Question of the Month:
What's the best thing about summer for you?
Profile of the Day:
See ya!
-Beachy Sweet

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