This Kid...

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So here we go again

M sits in front of me at school so we don't talk much in class
But today was different
All of my grade had to get laptops so we could do our PowerPoint on immigration.
I was at my desk taking to a girl, let's call her Alien (inside joke), and I said,"I hate it when I look something up on the internet and then google shows results for something completely different" and M said,"Oh my god I can agree so much that just happened to me now." I know it seems like nothing but he rarely talks to me, and it sounded like he tried to be SUPER relatable. I kinda ignored him for 10 min and I know it sounds rude, but I just wanted to talk to Alien.
30 min later
M asked me for help. It seems like nothing but let me explain. He is a smart kid. I think I do well in school too, but he obsessively asked questions about how to research and how to do an MLA works cited page (if you don't know what that is then just look it up). I kept explaining and explaining and he became very polite and gentlemanly towards me and said thanks after I cleared the whole project up for him, which is not like him.
He also offered to put my laptop away for me. I turned this offer down because I had to put away Ton's laptop, Mackey's laptop, and my own laptop away. I did that out of pure kindness.
So today was really awkward!
*sarcastic 'yay'*
I can't get through a month without M bugging me!
See ya!
-Beachy Sweet

Stay peachy! 🍑

By the way, check these cool authors out!:
Bye! For real this time!

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