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Hey guys I know I haven't posted in like 6373728282919 years but I've just been busy with school and other stuff I've had to do. Let's get on with the story...
I got a new kid in my class at the beginning of the year, let's call him BigMac(don't ask).
He is probably the weirded person I've ever met. His highest test mark this year was a 92% and his lowest was a 12.5%. He wears neon green leggings and probably a full neon green bodysuit. He's had a crush on every girl in my class except for two. He's admitted his "love" for all the girls except two. He's in grade seven(so am I) and his younger brother(first grade) wakes him up for school every day, or else he misses the bus. He plays Roblox and says he makes $2.00 a year. That's half a cent every day. That's barely over two ten thousandths of a cent per hour. He thinks he makes good money. He is obsessed with the show Survivor. I broke his ankles in basketball, 3 times. That's how much he sucks. He texts me telling me random things like "Jamaica?" Or "."And sometimes he just asks me to go live with him. He's pretty rich, from my understanding. He's Jamaican, and thinks I'm mixed race(which I am certainly not). BigMac has a knee problem, so when he wants to walk fast or gets angry, he looks like he has a weight on his leg which makes it really hard to take him seriously. He's quite tall, and has a weird type of hair. In the middle of greasy and puffy. He has purple pimples and he thinks it's cancer. When he was younger, he had to get a heart surgery for a heart problem. He doesn't have that many friends, but it's ok because he doesn't wanna hang out with any of us. He's very gullible and believes every word that comes out of my mouth. Sometimes I think he needs mental help.
That's BigMac for you guys.
He's pretty questionable if you ask me.
Oh yeah that's right I have to do riddle of the day!
Okay well here's one:

The rich landlord wants to marry the beautiful farmer's daughter. He tells the daughter that if she doesn't marry him, he will evict her father from the farm and they will be homeless. She begs for mercy. Slyly, the landlord agrees to allow her one chance to stay. He pulls a bag from his pocket, and reaches down and picks up 2 stones from the rocky path then places them in the bag. Reach into the bag and pull out one stone. If you pull out the black stone you will agree to marry me. If you pull out the white stone you and your father can live here rent free. The problem is that she knows that he picked up two black stones and no matter which one she selects she will be forced to marry him. What can she do to avoid marrying the greedy landlord?

They are standing on a rocky path. She reaches into the bag, pulls out one of the black stones and then pretending to be clumsy drops it onto the rocky path. Oh my, she exclaims,"I dropped it, but whichever color stone is still in the bag will tell us which color stone I dropped!"

Do you guys get that one? I think it was kinda easy to figure out..
Profile of the Day(AKA: POTD)
UnicornMermaidXOXO1 for telling me to update
See you guys soon! Thanks for reading!
-I forgot the name I use here 😂
See ya!

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