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Heyyy guys I know it's been a while I've been extremely busy (as UnicornMermaidXOXO1 would know) and I haven't had much time to update + I always forget
I don't really have any more stories but uh yeahhhh my summer has been pretty good
Now that I think about it, I do have some stories.
It's about my cousin. Let's name him "Na".
He's six years old and is one of the most witty, sarcastic, and unintentionally hilarious people I know!!
I have plenty of stories about this child.
Let's start with the day we were in the car driving past Starbucks.
I was sitting in the front seat, beside his mom, with my sister, Na, and his brother in the back seat.
We passed a Starbucks, and let me tell you, this kid LOVES STARBUCKS COFFEE!! He's obsessed.
Here's how the conversation went:
Na: Mom, can we get Starbucks?
Mom: No.
Na: But I want Starbucks!!
Mom: But I said no!!
Na: I want Starbucks and I want it NOW!!
Mom: No!
Na: I. Want. Starbucks.
Mom: I want you to stop asking.
Na: If you don't get me Starbucks I'm gonna jump out the window.
Mom: If you don't stop asking I'm gonna throw you out the window.
Na: I want you to throw me out the window and that way I can walk to Starbucks!!!
Mom: Oh yeah?! Well how are you gonna pay?!
Na: I'll ask a stranger, like that nice man with a cup of change!
*that nice man was a homeless man on the street*
Mom: That's not a nice man with a cup of money he's a homeless man living on the street.
Na: Oh.
I think there was more to the conversation UnicornMermaidXOXO1 probably remembers me telling them the whole thing. HONESTLY I had to try not to laugh because if I did I would've gotten in trouble. I'll keep updating with more stories.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!
I forgot what I used to do for my end thing but uh goodnight guys!!
Goodnight guys❤️
- 🍑
Riddle of the Day:
A son and engineer go fishing. The boy was the engineer's son but the engineer wasn't the boy's dad. How was this possible?





The engineer was the boy's mom!

I think this was fairly easy considering some of the other ones I've done


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