It's been a while :p

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Hey so I've been super busy and basically I've forgotten that I have Wattpad I remembered and now I'm updating since I'm BORED
I don't know what to dooooo and I'm just bored as hell
Why don't you go follow my ig? @adrianaazevedo__ (it's not an actual Wattpad account so don't click nothing will show up, type that on the Instagram search bar and it'll come up)
Comment down below if you followed me and tell me what your Instagram account is so I know it's you!
Thanksssd :p
Hope everybody's doing great 👍🏼
I'll update for you guys soon (at least I hope)
Profile of the Day:
Riddle of the Day:
Can you name three consecutive days without using the words Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday?

The answer isssss:
Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow.
Let me know if you guys got that one!
Have a nice day!
-Adri :)

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