Day one

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Destiny's POV

Fuck. Today's my first day at this weird performing arts school. Tbh I'm only going because I heard the teachers are hot as fuck.... And I love playing drums. As I started walking towards the school I saw Mikey Way. My cheeks were going red and my vision was going blurry the next thing I know I'm in the nurses office next to, oh my god you're not gonna believe this, Patrick Stump. After fangirling for what felt like an hour he noticed me.
"Hi." he said in his sexy as fuck voice. "H-hello." I stuttered back like a fucking potato. He smiled and said "You must be one of the new  kids, Welcome to college." I flashed a weak smile trying to wrap my head around my favorite people being type teachers. "Yup." I replied quickly realizing he was staring. "What are you in for exactly" he said, still being dreamy as fuck. "Drums." He looked at me,  "Oh you're gonna love Mr.Dun."
That's when I lost my shit. Then who had gotten me to fall in love with drums was my teacher.... Oh this is gonna be a great Semester.

A/N: hope u enjoyed this shit. I plan on writing more,  because why the fuck not.

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