Day Twenty-one Part One

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Destinys POV

I had lost my virginity. To. Josh. Fucking. Dun. I couldn't believe it. For once in my life I felt loved. I felt as if I was worth it. Josh loved me and I loved him. There wasn't anything that could change that. I decided that I should probably head home before Kaylee got worried. Josh was taking a shower so I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote.

Had to go home before Kaylee gets worried. I love you.

Xoxo, Destiny

I grabbed my stuff and headed out the door. I checked my phone and saw I had a message from Kaylee. I sighed, not really wanting to read it but I did. It read, "Hey Des I'm sorry for everything that has happened over the past couple weeks. I know you hate me and all but I need you right now. Um the reason I cut myself the other week. I'm ready to tell you. Just come home and talk to me. Please. -Kaylee".

She needs me right now. She needs me. Why did she need me? I wanted to know what had happened to her that night where she had cut her wrist. I needed to know why she had a phobia of touch. Why had she been crying the other morning? It was time to find everything out.

I opened the door to our apartment. I instantly heard crying. She wasn't in her bed. I walked to the bathroom and prayed there wouldn't be blood. I opened the door and the sobbing stopped. Kaylee was sitting in the bathtub with a tank top and shorts on and but water. Her eyes were red and swollen and it was obvious she had been crying for a while. I walked over to her and saw her holding a razor blade. I held my hand out and she gave it to me. Then I checked her wrists. She hadn't cut herself but she had been scratching at her arms and her legs too. 

I helped her out of the tub and onto the bed. I held her for a second and then asked "tell me, tell me it all". She told me about everything. Her friend Alexa, her parents, Daren, the kids at school, the real reason she had moved, the texts she had been getting, and finally what had happened after school. "Do you have the phone still?" I asked her. She nodded and pulled it out. I turned it on and saw the lock screen. "T-that's from the day of Alexa's death I- I had sat by the road crying for hours" Kaylee explained. 

I pressed the home button and went to photos. Maybe the person had a photo of them self or something. There were 5 pictures on the phone. The first was of Kaylee crying, the second was of Kaylee sleeping while Mikey was kissing her neck and another of him just staring at her, then the third was of Pete Wentz looking through a window. But it wasn't just any window it was Josh's window. Then I swiped to the last photo. It was me getting high behind a brick wall. It was the day from two weeks ago. 

I couldn't believe it. This person had stuff on us all. Kaylee had already showed me the messages and there wasn't really anything else of interest on the phone. I held Kaylee and let her cry. I shouldn't have cut myself that one day. I should've let her explain. She now had that burden on her. The girl who was supposed to be her best friend cut her wrists because of her. 

I checked the date and realized it was Saturday. That meant we didn't have to go to school today. I got an idea. I told Kaylee to go get ready for the day and pulled out my phone. First I texted Mikey and asked him if he knew anywhere that was good for a picnic. He replied instantly saying yes and the was a location attached to it, I told him to be there with food for a picnic in a hour. Then I texted Josh, I told him to meet me at the location attached in a hour.

Then I got myself ready. I pulled on a tank top and put a Twenty-One Pilots sweatshirt on with it. I pulled on some black skinny jeans and then did my makeup. Once I was finished with that I pulled on my converse and sat on the bed waiting for Kaylee. I saw a small journal by her bed. I grabbed it and opened it to a random page. 

I'm the girl no one sees

No one bothers to look at me

Keep your head down

Don't let them see you frown

Keep that smile

Keep it around for a while

Keep you head high darling

 Never go starving

Stay alive hon

Make your life fun

Don't let others drag you down

Don't let the thoughts make you drown 

I set the notebook down knowing Kaylee would want me sneaking in her privacy. So instead I listening to music until Kaylee finally came out of the bathroom. She was wearing her black sweatshirt that she had been wearing the first day of school. She had washed it so many times that the blood stain had finally come out. With that she wore dark blue skinny jeans and black converse. She was wearing a choker and her hair was like it always was. She has on black eyeliner with Grey eyeshadow. To me she looked pretty. However I knew she didn't see herself that way.

I wish she saw her true beauty. We walked to the area that Mikey had sent me and I saw that Mikey and Josh were already there. They had laid out a blanket under the tree and there was a basket by the tree. The place Mikey had picked out was beautiful and it even had a small creek. Kaylee smiled when she saw the place and whispered "this is the place where Mikey and I had our first kiss". 

I smirked. Kaylee and I walked over to the blanket and sat down. Within seconds Kaylee and Mikey were doing the thing they always did. Kaylee laying her head on Mikey lap while he played with her hair. I was sitting on Josh's lap but facing him with my head on his shoulder. We sat there for a while not eating. We just cuddled with the ones we loved. It was an awesome moment and it was one I would never forget.

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