Day Twenty-one Part Two

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Kaylee's POV

I told Destiny everything. Destiny was a good listener she didn't make any comments she just made eye contact with me and nodded every once it a while. I know it sounds stupid but it kinda gave me the strength to continue. By the time I had finished telling her everything I felt like throwing up and my eye were swollen and red from crying. Destiny told me to go and get ready for the day so I did.

I opened up my suitcase with all my clothes (I still hadn't unpacked). I grabbed some clothes and was about to stand up when I had a thought. I felt around in my bag until I felt the small black case. I quickly stuffed it under my hoodie and walked to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and stuck my hand under the water waiting for it to be hot. 

Once it was hot I jumped in. I grabbed the black case and set it down next to me in the shower. I wanted to open it but Mikey would never forgive me. He doesn't have to know, said a voice in my brain. The voice was right, I could put it in a place he could never see. I could put it where my undergarments would always cover. Under my arm but low enough to where it wouldn't be seen.

I pulled out the blade. I dragged it against the spot I had decided on. I bit my lip as I felt the slight bite of the blade. I set the blade down forgetting about it completely. I squirted soap into my hand and wash my hair, then my body, then I shaved my legs and under my arms. After I had finished all that I turned off the water and wrapped a towel around my body and another one in my hair. I stepped out of the shower and walked over to the mirror. 

I grabbed lotion and spread it out over my legs and then my face and arms too. I put conditioner in my hair and brushed it. I looked at the red ends of my hair and remembered the day I had gotten them. I thought about how we almost got tattoos. I desperately wanted a tattoo but I was terrified of them. The thought of needles piercing my skin made me begin to shake. 

I sighed and finished doing my hair.  Once I had finished my hair I looked at my body in the mirror. I saw faint scars all over my legs, stretch marks on my stomach from when I had stopped eating, I saw how ass was too big but my boobs too small, I saw how I was too small. I hated my body. Then I looked at my face, I saw my eyes had turned back to normal. My lips were chapped and faded (haha). I grabbed some chap stick and rubbed it onto my lips. 

I once again looked at my face. If the girl in the mirror wasn't me I would've called her pretty. Only Mikey ,Destiny, and Alexa had ever called me beautiful. Everyone else told me I was ugly as as fuck. I wiped away the single tear and grabbed my makeup. I put on eyeliner and grey eye shadow. 

Once I was done with my makeup I put on my clothes and made sure the case was tucked under my hoodie. The case felt a bit lighter but I didn't question it. I walked out of the bathroom and slipped the case into my bag. Then we headed to the mystery location.

The mystery location just happened to be the area of me and Mikeys first kiss. Soon Mikey's hands were in my hair and my head was on his lap. I closed my eyes and smiled I felt so happy in this moment. Destiny was on Josh's lap. They were a really cute couple and I shipped it badly. 

*Time skip*

After the picnic Mikey invited me over to his apartment. Destiny said she would be at home because she had homework to do and Josh said he would go with her. So I told Mikey yes and we walked to his car. We held hands all the way to his apartment. 

Once we were there I told him I was tired. So we later im his bed with my head on his chest. Suddenly his phone buzzed. I saw some of it and what it said made my blood go cold

I just found a bloody blade in the shower, check her.

I never saw who it was from but I knew it was destiny. I had forgotten to the the blade back in the case. Mikey told me to take my sweatshirt off. I hesitated for a second but realized he wouldn't find anything. So I took it off leaving me in my tank top.  He took my arms and looked over them. None of them were recent. He frowned. 

"Do you trust me?" He asked me. I nodded. He told me to take off my pants. I pulled them down and he stared at my legs. I had some pretty bad cuts but nothing was recent. He sighed "Kaylee tell me the truth... did you cut yourself?". I looked out the window and slowly nodded. "Where?" He asked. "It's a secret." I said refusing to look him in the eye. Tears began to drip down my cheeks. I bit my lip to silence my sobbing. 

Suddenly I felt two arms wrap around me and a warm breath against my neck. "Not to me" he whispered. I sighed and pulled my tank top off. Mikey eyed me suspiciously. I kept my bra on. I pointed to the spot where I had cut even though it was covered by fabric. "I wanna see it" he walked up to me and unclipped my bra. I felt his warm finger travel to the cut. I closed my eyes and I felt his soft lips kiss the spot. I smirked and brought his lips to mine. 

Soon his shirt and pants were discarded. We walked to the bed and well you can imagine what happened after that. It was getting 11:30 so I grabbed my clothes and headed back to my dorm. Even though Mikey had offered to drive me I decided I would rather walk. It was pretty cold outside since it was dark. 

Suddenly I heard footprints behind me. My heart stopped. I felt a familiar grasp on my shoulder and tears filled my eyes. I turned around and look him in the face. "Long time no see my darling" and that where everything went wrong.

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