Day 20 Part Three

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Mikey's POV

I played with Kaylee's hair while she slept. It had become a habit of mine. She acted like she hated it but I knew she liked it. She would smile and as you watched her smile as she slept you would never be able to tell that this girl is suicidal. Then again people can never tell. No one ever knows if a person is truly unhappy or not. Most people don't pay attention, the special ones do. They will see the fake smile of the girl who always laughs. They will see the tear stained face of the boy who never cried. They would see the slight moment where someone smiles fades from their face from a second. They would notice the guy who always wears long sleeved shirt. They would notice the girl who people teased about being fat stop eating their lunch. 

Sometimes the people who noticed never did anything about it. They would watch the girl with the fake smile stop smiling entirely. They would watch as the boy started to cry in public and then get bullied about it. They would watch the smiles go away entirely. They would watch as the boy never came to school again. They would watch as the girl starved herself. They wouldn't do anything about it.

But then there are the people who care. They teach the girl to laugh again. They help the boy who cried. They would make the fake smiles real. They would help the person wear tank tops again. They would give the girl who was starving herself their food and not leave until they ate it. 

I care.

If you think for one second that no one cares remember this. I care. Don't do it things will get better you just have to give them time. But it always will get better.


My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a loud knock on my door. It startled Kaylee in her sleep and she shot straight up accidentally bumping my head on the way up. "Sorry" she said quietly. "It's okay you didn't do anything wrong" I said. Another knock on the door. "Come in!" I yelled. The door opened. It was Pete.

It was time to find out who had been texting Kaylee. I was excited. This bastard had been texting Kaylee rude things for over 2 weeks! Kaylee was probably scared though. I saw her shake as we followed Pete through the forest to the location of the phone. I grabbed her hand to comfort he but I could tell she was still scared. 

We walked for about 20 minutes until Pete said to stop. I looked around there wasn't anything to see. No house. No person. No phone. We were in the middle of the forest with nothing around us for miles. We spread out a bit until I heard Kaylee yell "I found something!". Pete and I hurried over. She was holding a phone. It was an Iphone. Kaylee turned it on. No password. The lock screen was a picture of Kaylee. In the picture she was sat by a road crying. Kaylee looked at the photo in shock. 

She hit the home button and the phone went to the home screen. Kaylee went to the messages. There were only two conversation up. One was with Kaylee. Kaylee clicked on the other conversation. There was only one text in the conversation.

It read

So you seem to have found my phone. However you cannot find me. I'm always watching even when you think I'm not. So again Kaylee I ask you. Cut me a deep cut tonight okay sweetie? Mikey can you please stop staring at Kaylee in her sleep? It looks a little creepy.

I blushed slightly as a read that line. Then I continued reading

Pete i know you are lonely but that doesn't mean you should watch other people have sex. That was supposed to be Josh and Destiny's private moment. Why would you stop and stare? Go out to the club if you want a women. No like you are gonna find anyone though. 

Well until the next time I see you  Murderer, Sleep Stalker, Sex Stalker i must say goodbye. 

xoxo Your Nightmare

Well shit. 

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