Day 20 Part Two

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Kaylee's POV

I made Mikey come over, I couldn't take being so alone in the house. Sure Destiny was there, but she didn't make any noises, sounds, or interactions. It just left me and my thoughts alone; which is never safe. We talked for a bit. He asked me for the hundredth time if I had figured out who was texting me I told him for the hundredth time no.

 I cuddled up against him and he pulled out his phone. "Pete, we need you right now" he said. He put down his phone and ran his fingers through my hair. I cried silently into his shoulder. I've had to put up with this persons messages for almost 3 weeks now. I was getting tired of this shit. Mikey was the only one I could talk to this about because Destiny acted like she hated me.

 She didn't hate me though. She tried to hate me,  but she couldn't. I still saw her stare at me like she wanted to talk to me but she rarely did. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Mikey got up and answered it. I felt kinda lonely without him sitting there. He returned with PETE FUCKING WENTZ. I sat there staring for a while. Pete asked to see my phone. I handed it to him and he went into the messages.

 Mikey sat back down next to me and I put my head on his lap. I had barely gotten any sleep because of my thoughts. Mikey's hand began playing with my hair again, he did that a lot. Pete tapped a couple buttons and said "AHA!". "Did you find out who is texting her?" Mikey asked. "I found the location of where the phone that is texting her is right now!" Pete said handing me back my phone. Mikey grabbed my phone and copied the location and then sent it to himself. "I'm going here afterschool and you" he pointed at me "are going to come with me". "mkay" I responded I sat up.

 "Pete you wanna come too?" Mikey asked. "Sure" Pete said smiling. "So are you two dating or" Pete continued. "Um I think so" Mikey said looking down at me. I smiled and nodded my head. He blushed and kissed my forehead. All of a sudden Destiny walked into the room. We all talked for a bit until I eventually left to go to school. I walked with Mikey because I didn't want to walk alone. He held my hand as we walked to my homeroom. We were a little early so there were only two people in the room when we got there... 

Brendon and a girl with dark brown hair and glasses. She was actually really pretty no wonder he liked her. Brendon and the girl were kissing when Brendon saw us he broke the kiss. "Umm hello." he said. "This is Emily, my girlfriend don't tell anyone" he continued. "Well Urine I got to go get my flute see ya later!" the girl named Emily said. "Bye hon" Brendon winked at her. Emily rolled her eyes and left. "She is amazing" he said looking up dreamily. 

*Time skip to lunch*

I was sitting next to Zoey and Erin when Emily sat down next to me. "Hey I never caught your name this morning" she said to me. "Um I'm Kaylee" I responded scooting closer to Zoey. She stuck out her hand and I fell out of my seat. Yea I still had my "phobia". "She doesn't really like touch unless it's with Mikey Way" Zoey said I glared at her. "Are you two dating?" Emily asked helping me up. "Mhm" I said putting my head on the table. "I'm hella tired" I complained to Zoey. "Why don't you go sleep in Mikey Way's office" she winked at me. "You know what I'm gonna go do that bai bitches" I said getting up from my seat. 

I walked to to his office and knocked on the door. "Hey boo" he said smiling when he saw me. "I didn't get much sleep last night and I'm really tired can I sleep here pleaseeee" I asked. "Only if you sleep in my arms" he winked at me. I rolled my eyes and walked over to him. I put my head on his lap and drifted off to sleep. Not ready for what would greet me when I woke... Unless it was coffee, then I would of love that, but nevertheless it wasn't coffee.

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