Day one Part Four

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Kaylee's POV

Crap. She saw my scars. I pulled down my sleeves to make sure she would stop staring. She seemed pretty I guess. She just looked very... Um... Edgy. She had dark brown hair, which matched her deep brown eyes. She was wearing black skinny jeans with ripped knees and a red plain shirt. The whole outfit worked with her makeup, converse, and piercings. I guess you could say she owned it. Ugh. She seems emo preppy. I snapped out of my thoughts when Zoey said my name. I looked up at Destiny, at least at that's what Zoey said her name was. I looked back down trying to avoid eye contact until Destiny put her hand near me. I flinched and fell backwards. Scraping my back on a music stand. It hurt like hell but I wasn't going to mention it. It stung so bad that I bit my lip to keep from crying. Of course that's when Zoey decides to mention my phobia of being touched. Destiny, gnoring what Zoey said, helped me up whispering "I saw your scars, I have them too." I wanted to hug her tighter knowing that I had finally found someone that had noticed me but I winced in pain instead. I had started to cry and probably fucked up my eyeliner. Then Erin said I was bleeding. "fuck." Destiny whispered under her breath. So many things went through my mind, to be honest the main thing was that I had fucked up my favorite hoodie with blood. That's when Brendon fucking Urie walks in with his beautiful smile, huge forehead, great ass, and cup of coffee. Then that's when my body decided I had lost enough blood and I collapsed. Slipping into darkness the last thing I remembered seeing was Brendon running over to me. Maybe I was imagining it? Why would he care for me. No one did. 

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