Day One Part Five

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Brendon's POV

It was the first day of course. I swung buy the cafeteria and grabbed my coffee and checked the time. "Fuck" I muttered it was 9:10 I was 10 minutes late. I walked at fast as possible and ran up the stairs almost falling and spilling some coffee on the floor. "SHIT" I yelled I grabbed napkins from the nearest restroom and cleaned it up. I checked my phone for the time again. 9:20. I ran the rest of the way there. When I entered the classroom I saw this one girl with smudged eyeliner who was crying pretty hard. The two girls near her with blondish brownish hair were putting tissues on her back while the third girl looked at her in awe like she had fucked up. Ha same! Everyone looked at me and the girl with the smudged eyeliner collapsed. Shit. I ran over there and asked the other girl what happened they said that she had hit her back on be music stand and it had been sliced open. I rolled the girl over and saw lots of blood this was going to need stitches no doubt in my mind. Some of the other kids had walked over to us by now and were staring at all the blood. "How did she hit her back into the music stand, and what her name?" I asked looking at them wondering if she was shoved. "Um her name is Kaylee and she sorta panicked when I went to give her a handshake and fell out of her seat and over to that music stand right there that is lying down" said the girl with dark hair her voice didn't sound like it was working right. I asked who would like to take Kaylee down to Pat and the three girls who were initially standing by her raises their hands. I walked next door to Ryan's classroom and asked him to keep an eye on my kids while I took care of this. He said he would so me and the girls who introduced themselves as Destiny, Zoey, and Erin took Kaylee down. I was doing most of the carrying while the girl told me as much as they could about what happened to her. Finally we were at the schools doctors office. Pat saw all the blood and asked what happened. After telling him what had happened he went to work. He began to strip off her sweatshirt and Panic! At The Disco shirt (how ironic). He left her only in her bra. Without meaning to I studied her body. I saw old scars on her arms and bruises around her stomach. Poor girl. I looked over at Destiny who was whispering to Erin and Zoey about something. I asked them how well hey knew her. Zoey spoke up "well I know she is new so she must've moved her I just met her this morning but she didn't seem to want to talk much about her personal life". I looked over at the girl Destiny who was looking over at Kaylee like she was a dead body. "Don't worry she'll be okay" I told her putting a hand on her shoulder. Finally Pat finished the surgery and told us she would regain consciousness in a little bit. We all walked over to her and I heard a door  behind us open. It was Mikey Way, probably here to talk to her about her scars if Pat had saw them. He went up to Pat and they started talking. I turned my attention back to Kaylee and her eyes began to flutter open. She looked at me and simply said "Am I in Hell?" "Why would you think that?" I asked chuckling. "Because your here." She replied. Zoey, Destiny, Erin and I started to laugh while Kaylee just looked over to the chair holding her jacket and muttered "fuck". Then Mikey Way cleared his throught we all looked at him. "Kaylee I'm gonna need you to swing by my office after school today" she stared at him and put her arms under the blanket. Pat then banadaged up Kaylee and gave her back a new shirt since the other one was ruined and gave her back her sweatshirt. Kaylee quickly pulled it back over her head not caring about the blood. Her and Destiny walked to the bathroom.(Most likely to fix her makeup) Zoey and Erin decided to join them so I walked up the stairs. Thinking about the reason why Kaylee would've given herself those scars. Maybe I should visit Mikey after he is done talking to Kaylee. I wrote it down in my notebook so I wouldn't forget. Then I headed up the stairs. Back to the classroom.  

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