Day Two Part Three

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Destiny's POV

Well shit. I over slept and Kaylee is nowhere to be found. I texted Josh and told him I'd be a bit late as I headed to our dorm. Before I could even do a wrist check she shoved pass me. Fuck. Mikey is going to kill me. I had already gotten his number from Josh and had been texting him about Kaylee. I never mentioned my past even though he did ask. Stupid physiologist thoughts. Well I fucked up. OH MY GOD IF SHE CUT AT WAS MY FAULT I YELLED AT HER

Oh god. I'm such a bitch I should just go cut too. I tried to steer away from It but I deserved to feel what she was feeling. That's when the voices came back.
Cut you emo bitch.
Nobody fucking cares.
Just go die.
You're fat.
You just killed your friend.
STOP IT!!!  I screamed breaking away and running to my makeup bag. I reached in the inner pocket and grabbed the blade. I help my arm over the sink and made one cut. Deep enough to make me moan in pain. It felt so good. I deserved to die.

I deserved to die.

I got a bandage out of my backpack and put it on, not caring about all the blood. I changed into new skins jeans and put on a sweat Shirt. Everything I wore was black. I went to my makeup bag and sighed looking at the empty slot where the Blade had been and I did my makeup. Nothing big just eye-shadow, foundation, mascara, and lipstick. I didn't feel like eyeliner. I grabbed a red bull out if the fridge and decided to just leave the razor blade on the counter. I just didn't care anymore. No feelings = No problems. I headed to class and ran into Kaylee. I snatched her arm and pulled up her sleeve. She yanked away. "Don't touch me!". A tear rolled down my cheek as I walked away.

I saw her new cuts. It's all my fucking fault. I'm a failure. I decided to skip Drums. I didn't want Josh to see me like she stupid bitch I was. Instead I just went behind the school and got high. Yeah I know drugs are bad but damn they feel so good. Sue me. I'm a fucking bitch.

I checked my phone and 2 hours had passed since I finished the blunt. I got up and started to get to my next class when an arm appeared on my shoulder. I turned around when his lips crashed against mine. It was like fireworks were going off but as soon as it's started in ended. Josh took a step back,  "Are you crying.. Wait do I smell pot?"
I chuckled. "You caught me drummer boy." My legs started to give out and Josh caught me. he carried me to the drum room bridal style. For some reason his chest was wet... And so was my arm. I realised it was my blood but I couldn't respond when he said "Whats this" because I blacked out. Fuck.

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