Day one Part Seven

12 1 0

Destiny's POV

Josh was rocking out and said I could do whatever so I decided to listen to music and write something. Ever since I was little I would love to write because I couldn't draw. Writing just meant so much to me. It showed  feelings that I couldn't express in reality. Instead of choosing to write something specific I just typed some words on the laptop.

I crave attention every second,
I want all eyes to be on me,
I want to be the most known thing,
I want all of them to notice me,
I want them to see the tragic girl with nothing more than scars,
I want them to see the girl that people say is a misfit,
I want them to praise me,
I want them to worship me,
But most of all I want them to love me,
Because what I crave most is to be Loved.

I felt a hot rush down my neck and turned around to see Josh reading my poem. I pulled out my ear buds and shut my screen. "You're really good you know." he said in a quoted voice then he had earlier. "Thanks." I put my laptop in my black Jansport book bag. We stayed like this awhile him just starring at me. He started to speak, "So,  how old are you? " I responded rather quickly,  which I actually reverted,  "19, but my birthdays in 4 months." "Wow you're young." He replied. I chuckled. "What's so funny? " he asked smiling. "Nothing,  I was just gonna say I'm of age for consent." I chuckled at my own witty joke,  even though I knew that beautiful god wouldn't date this potato. He blushed,  "Well that makes me lucky." I didn't know how to respond so I just walked over to the drums, trying my best not to fall. I sat down and picked up the drum sticks and began to play Nine in the Afternoon. When I finished Josh was in awe,  "THAT WAS SICK AS FRICK! "  I blushed again. "Well I started playing because of my hero." I said trying not to brush even more. "Who? " he asked. "You know, just the greatest drummer ever, Josh Dun." He blushed and walked over to me,  "You're better." OH MY GOSH JOSH DUN JUST TOLD ME I'M A BETTER DRUMMER THAN HIM. I'M NOT BUT STILL. HE FUCKING COMPLIMENTED ME. I snapped back into reify when they bell rang. He said bye and see you at 12 then he did something. Something amazing. Something fantastic. Something unbelievable. Josh Dun gave me his number. Like put his number in my phone. Not only did he do that but he put in under Josh 💙.
Oh my fucking god and my friends said art school was for losers.

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