Day Twenty Part One

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Destiny's POV

I hadn't spoken to anyone in a week or two. I had made a few encounters with Kaylee since we shared an apartment, other then that I had been skipping drum class and ignored Zoey and Erin. Mikey said to go to his office after school but I never did. I just wanted to be free from all this. I mean who the fuck cuts the wrists on the second day of school? I avoided everyone but my teachers; they didn't call on me a lot though, I think they think I'm a little fucked up. Isn't that just amazing? I had a strict schedule.  Get up early and get out the house as soon as possible, go to the coffee shop and sit there and write for about 30 minutes, go to school, avoid Josh, go home eat whatever I had the time to make or buy, do homework, go to bed. Simplistic, but it works. Well... it did work.

This morning I had an encounter with Kaylee, Mikey, and some guy on the couch. Kaylee had smeared mascara, great she's already started crying and it's only 4:30 in the morning. I sighed and grabbed a redbull knowing that I wasn't going to be able to go to the coffee shop today. Mikey got up and gestured to the seat between him and the pretty guy with the eyeliner. I rolled my eyes and sat down. Mikey started rambling and I ignored him and turned to the guy on my right. He stuck out his hand, "Hi, I'm Pete Wentz." I smiled, "I'm Destiny." Mikey groaned and decided to go make coffee with Kaylee in the kitchen. I pulled out my phone and handed it to Pete. He looked confused for a moment then said "Oh" and took it. I chuckled as he put in his number. "So..." his voice trailed, "Aren't you dating Josh?" I sighed for the second time this morning and then Kaylee cut met  off, "It's complicated." I chuckled knowing what she was doing. Dammit I was supposed to be mad at her... but it's so hard. You can't be mad at one of the only people that understands you. "Yeah." I grinned, "It's not official.... and we haven't talked in over a week." He smiled at me and lightly blushed "I get it."

After a while I said I had to get to class and Mikey let me leave. I googled the name Pete Wentz and realized who he was as soon as I saw the logo flash by his name. Oh my god. Did I really not notice the hottest band member in the hottest band of the 200s. Jesus... I missed Fall Out Boy, back together or not the music isn't the same. Anyways I left the house after changing.

Today was going to be different. Me and my emo self are going to happy as fuck. Brighter then the mother fucking son. I stood in front of the drum room. Every fiber of my being said run; but I didn't  was going to have a great day and no beautiful creature sent by god himself- I mean guy, is going to ruin that. I walked in and I swear to god I panicked as soon as I did. He was sitting in front of his drums, shirtless as usual, getting ready to play. His jaw slightly dropped when he saw me. I didn't mean to say what came out of my mouth but I did. "I-I missed you."

He ran up to me and help me in his arms. "I missed you too, never leave me again, please." A tear rolled down my cheek and I kissed his salmon lips. He kissed back almost instantly. It was short, but it was the most passionate kiss I had ever had. Maybe I liked Pete a little... but this, this was love. I skipped all my classes and hung out with Josh. I don't think any teachers really minded since I was ahead in every class. But I didn't worry anyways, I had Josh. We talked about Pete for 3 minutes, it wasn't awkward though. He said Pete's a nice guy and he went through a breakup a couple years ago and he hasn't been the same since, but all in all he's still happy and anybody would be lucky to have him. Then we just hugged for what seemed like forever.

I remember driving to my apartment with Josh.

I remember telling him I wanted to take a shower.

I remember taking a shower.

I remember forgetting a towel and running out to grab one.

I remember Josh sitting on my bed staring at his phone.

I remember the look on his face.

I remember him pushing me against the wall.

I remember him placing me on the bed and kissing me gently.

I woke up with my face in the crook of his neck. Our bare chests were touching and our legs were intertwined together. "Good morning beautiful," he said in a somewhat groggy voice. He kissed my head and untangled our legs. I curled my legs up a little closer to me and let him hold me under the blanket for awhile. I traced my fingers along his back and he just continued to hold me. "I didn't know I was your first." I blushed at his words and dug my head into his neck again. He continued holding  me but this time he started humming too.

"I love you Destiny"

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