Day One Part Twelve

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Kaylee's POV

"Kaylee I'm ready for you"I heard Mikey say. I walked in his office and looked around. There were dumb little posters with dumb sayings like, "Choose Happy", "If you have a pulse you have a purpose", or "Read Smut, Don't Cut". Okay the last one wasn't really there but that would be a better message then the other ones. Mikey was sitting behind a fancy wooden desk with a swivel chair behind it and in front of it, he gestured to the seat. Which I took as a sign to sit down. "So you know why your here right?" he asked. I bit my lip and nodded. "And what is that reason?" He asked me his eye studying me. I rolled up my sleeve and pointed at the scars "for these" my voice sounded weak. "How did you get them?" He asked looking at them. "I cut myself" well shit I didn't mean to say that but I was too late now. 

I looked at Mikey and saw him look like he was gonna cry. It confused me. "Why do you do that?" He asked his voice a little higher this time, he wiped his face on his jacket and he was normal Mikey again. "I deserve it" I said while digging my nails into my thighs. "No one deserves that!" He said. I do I thought but I just looked at my shoes. "Do you trust me?" The question came as a surprise. I looked up at Mikey who was waiting for an answer I nodded. He told me to stand up, I did. He walked me in front of the mirror and pulled up my sweatshirt and my shirt. Leaving me in my bra.

 I admit I was fucking scared. I was shaking like I was freezing but then I felt his cool hands around my hips. It was almost protective the way he was holding them. He ran his hands up my body stopping at the middle of my rib cage. "You don't each much do you?" He asked. I shook my head, there was never time to eat and if there was I was too busy crying to be able to eat. "Tomorrow you are going to come here for lunch" he said turning me around to face him. 

My eyes met his and I nodded. He grabbed my arms and looked at them. They were covered in cuts. He traced over them with his hands, something I did sometimes too. "43" he spoke I looked at him. "That's how many cuts you have on one arm" he explained. He pulled me into a hug (I was still in only my bra) I admit it felt a little weird. But the way he held me in seemed like he cared and my bare skin felt so warm again him. 

"You are beautiful don't let anyone tell you any different" he told me. I smiled at him, wow a real smile for the first time in forever (not a frozen reference... okay it is). He kissed me on the forehead and handed me my sweatshirt and shirt. "See you tomorrow" he said winking. Wtf he kissed me and winked at me. Gotta say that was a little sexual and it made me blush like crazy. I pulled on my shirt and sweatshirt and walked outside.

 I looked over to where Destiny was supposed to wait for me. She wasn't there. Fuck I thought. I checked my phone it was 5:00 a hour and a half had already passed. Where the hell was she? Then I heard her. She was saying something about drums. Oml she was probably with Josh she had told me about what their class today had been like. I ran to the classroom. Destiny had her back to the door and was talking to a shirtless Josh. "Smooth Move Romeo" I head her say, Josh noticed me (senpai noticed me😂). "Come with me your friend can come" (not in the sexual way you pervert) he said to Destiny and then looking at me. "It's been like five minutes there no way her session is over" destiny said. "Check your phone idiot!" I said my voice surprising even myself. "You've spent almost two hours talking to lover boy." I added smirking. She gave me the I-Will-Kill-You-Look and I just winked at her. 

I introduced myself to Josh and told him we would love to go with him. He accused me of being the new shy girl, wonder who told him that. What I said in response was a lie. I was just in a really good mood because I was thinking about my session with Mikey Way. The sexual part not the emotional part (yep that's sounds wrong). We walked to Josh's car and I saw Mikey and Brendon talking. Weird. Anyone turns out Josh was taking us to take away our tattoo virginity (yup). I laughed out of fear, I had trypanophobia which was the fear of needles. No way (Gerard Way ha) was I getting a tattoo. Luckily destiny suggested we get our hair done instead. That sounded cool. She was talking about dying her hair purple. But I wanted to replace the blonde in my hair with blood red. I told Destiny my idea and she agreed. We walked to the place and Josh payed for us, damn Destiny had a nice "boyfriend". Kaylee approved.

 Two hours later I had brown and blood red hair and destiny had purple hair. I gotta admit it fit with the whole rebellious teen thing. Josh drove us to our dorm. Him and Destiny flirting the whole way back. With me putting in random comments. When he dropped us off and drove away i winked at Destiny. "Shut up!" She yelled at me, I gotta admit it kinda hurt but I didn't let it show "I haven't even said anything yet" I pointed out. Her phone buzzed. She checked it. "Zoey and Erin want us to come over, oh and they also said to text them" she told me. Oh yea I hadn't texted them, on purpose though, I didn't have anything to say, Destiny probably could tell because she said "look I know y'all started off on a bad foot but I think they wanna make up for it". "Okay let me just go changed out of a bloody sweatshirt real quick". "Okay but I'm following you, no way your flaking on me" she said following me. Ugh that's exactly what I planned to do. 

I opened the door to my room and went into my closet. I chose a MCR hoodie. I pulled the one i was wearing over my head and set it in the bed, I noticed Destiny watching me. "If you wanna see me strip just ask" I said turning around and winking again. She rolled her eyes "Just change". "Admit it you wanna see me naked" I said wanting a reaction. "Maybe I do" she said. I pulled the sweatshirt on. "Well too bad your gonna have to wait" I said feeling to lazy to step it up. I gotta admit she looked a little disappointed. Too bad I didn't feel like stripping rn. 

We walked to Zoey and Erin's room. Destiny knocked while I stood their awkward as always. Zoey answered the door looking a little surprised to see we actually came. "DESTINY YOUR HAIR" she screamed Erin ran over. We went inside and Destiny told them the story. I studied the room, there were a lot of stuffed animals band posters video games two large gaming computer a giant tv and lots and lots of snacks. "Awh Kaylee your hair looks cute" Erin's voice snapped me back to reality. "Why did you never text us?" Zoey asked. "I-I was busy" I lied. "Yea to busy daydreaming about your lunch date with Mikey Way tomorrow" Destiny said winking at me. I forgot I told her. Suddenly they had tons of questions. I just shook my head saying I'll explain later. Then I had an evil idea. I put on my total-bitch grin and said the words Destiny didn't want to hear "Destiny why don't you tell us about your boyfriend, Josh". She turned the color of my hair and began to explain.

To be continued 

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