New start

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I walked down the hall the next day hearing giggles and snickers as i passed people. I rolled my eyes at them an my Anne came and stood by me and my locker. "I don't know why everyone is laughing at me I mean he's the ass who did it" I shrugged it off. After last night I just stopped caring. Or acting like it anyway. "Ya I was ready to rip him a new one but it seems as though your over it" she said smirking. "Ya actually am" I said and smiled. We linked arms and walked to class talking. But dead down I wanted someone to make me feel loved because right now I'm not feelin that.

🎀🎀🎀🎀 4th period 🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀

As I was walking to health I saw him and rolled my eyes, so he can see. And as I passed him I flipped him off. His buddies "ohh'ed" him. I smirked to myself and walked away proud of myself. I walked in the health room and saw Mr.smith talking to a student and as I was about to sit down I heard a deep voice call my name. I whipped my head around and saw Blake, I've known him since 1st grade an he's always been an ass to me . I'm still holding a grudge against him for calling me a bitch in 3rd grade, well I am aren't i? I chuckled to myself quietly so he couldn't see or hear. "Ya?" I asked. He looked worried, I wander why.. Before I could process what was happening his arms wrapped around my neck, which is perfect considering when I hug people I hug their waist. I was shocked at first an then hugged back. Damn he smelled good. The bell rang and startled me causing us to pull apart. How long where we hugging? it seemed like forever. He smiled "he is an ass I'm sorry what he did to u" he said. Which surprised me even more. "Thank you Blake, and you give awesome hugs" I smiled and he smiled back. He than went and sat down when mr.smith told him to. "Man what's going on with him?" I thought. Through out class ik only thought about him. "Who's he dating? Wait does he date? His eyes are so pretty. And I bet his hair is so soft. Oh and those dimples. Wow now that I think about it we have a lot of features alike other than he is fit and has abs and well I'm not so fit, I have curves." I let my thoughts escape me and soon jumped as the bell rang. I packed up my stuff and saw Blake standing at my desk with an amused look on his face. "Day dreaming where we?" He asked. A blush crept on my cheeks. I chuckled "like always" and I slung my backpack over my shoulder and started waking to my history class. "Hey Marissa, do you want me to walk you to class? " he asked in his deep smooth voice.

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