Chapter 19

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I walked out of the doctors office holding Blake's hand and smiling, with the pictures in my hand. I looked and smiled at Blake as we walked. "are you happy?" I asked, "I mean with us and stuff?" I continued looking down at my stomach, which looks normal. he smiles down at me showing his off is flawless smile. "yeah, actually I'm looking forward to it all. I mean when we have the baby we will be graduated and it will be summer." He said making me release a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

As we drove we didn't talk, it was silent other than the radio. it was nice though we where just holding hands, as Blake looked towards the road. I spaced out as I thought about if I should move out of my house or not. "Blake, I think before the baby comes we should move in together." I blurted out, as he stopped at a stop light. he looked at me and shrugged "whatever you want" and smiled. I smiled back, "not to much pressure? cus I mean I could just move into an apartment by myself" I said looking out the window. he scoffed and hit the gas pedal as the light switched to a bright green, "if you think I'm leaving you unprotected in an apartment alone, while you are pregnant with my baby.. then your crazy" he chuckled. I scrunched my eyebrows together, does he not think I'm capable of taking care of myself? "It's not to much pressure love, I can't wait to move in together" he smiled as he continued. I smiled and scoffed in my head, he is so whipped. I smiled down at my arm and wiggled my fingers around in my wrap, I got my cast off today too. thank god almost everything has healed from the fight thing with Gabe. Now everything can calm down and not be so drama filled, I mean its like my life is a reality show these days. I giggled to myself and laid my head on Blake's shoulder as he drove.

When Blake pulled into my drive way I let out a heavy sigh, pouting my lips. he chuckled "ye know I want to stay with you, but I can't we have school tomorrow" he said pouting with me. I softly kissed his lips and hugged him. "don't leave" I whined in his ear. his chest vibrated with laughter. he pulled away and looked at me. "okey then I will stay" he gave in. I did a victory dance in my seat. I got out of the car and waited for Blake to come and intertwine with fingers in mine so we could walk to my room and cuddle.

Right before I drifted to sleep I heard a soft voice whisper "I love you princess". I hummed in happiness and snuggled into Blake's chest. falling into the darkness I call sleep.

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