Chapter 13

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We where walking on the side of the road due to the fact there was no sidewalk, hand in hand with a smile from ear to ear.

"Princess?" he asked suddenly. I turned, "yees " I answered drawing out the syllable. "you know your beautiful right? because when I asked you earlier you just nodded." he said concerned. I swallowed and looked down. "you want the honest answer?" I asked still very interested in my shoes. he stopped walking all together and held my shoulder tilting my head up to look at him. "yea I do" he said seriously, looking into my eyes . "no.. but when I'm with you I feel beautiful." I said. wow that was cheesy haha. his strong Arms wrapped around me and sighed. he kissed my forehead. "I don't know how you don't see it liss." I smiled against his neck. "and I don't know how someone so amazing could think of herself as anything else" he continued. I chuckled and blushed pulling away. "I think your going a little far on that but thank you" I said kissing him.

When we pulled away and I giggled. "we look like those couples those romance movies." he laughed at that too. i jumped up and ran in circles "I'm a bird!" I shouted quoting the notebook . " If your a bird I'm a bird!" he shouted with me, wrapping my arms around my waist and lifting me up. he kissed my lips as I giggled.

So we where passing his house. "hey Blake do you wanna stop by your house?" I asked. "actually yea. but Gabes there" he said obviously still mad at his brother. "Blake I don't want to come between you and your brother." I said. "it was just one time. maybe he thought I was some slut" I said shrugging. he grimaced "your not 'some slut' and he should treat girls with respect" he said. I smiled an stroked his perfect face "well didn't your mom raise you right!" I exclaimed pulling him in his house.

We walked in and went straight to his room, not wanting to be questioned. "liss I need to change, and as much as I don't care if you see me. I don't want to spoil your innocence" he teased. "okay okay" I giggled standing outside his door.

After a short amount of time I heard the door next to Blake's open and I looked over to see Gabe. he smirked waltzing over to me. "I see Blake's little slut makes yet another appearance" he sneered. I narrowed my eyes. "go away. you don't want my boyfriend to kick you ass again" I smirked. "he wouldn't stand a chance darlin" he stated as if it was a fact. I scoffed "oookay whatever you say duche bag. But my Blake could kick your scrawny little ass any day" I stated coldly crossing my arms over my chest. He got this look in his eyes that scared me, and pushed me into the living room.

"Let's see how you deal with me without 'your Blake' " he spat. "you can't touch me" I said and crossed my arms once again. he looked like he was about to kill me right now... geez anger issues much? "You little bitch" he seethed. At that I snapped, "listen here you little Dick! don't ever talk to me like that again! I am not your little submissive bitch!" I spat giving him the death glare, and poking his chest as I spoke. he instantly squeezed my wrist in his hands. I whimpered as he crushed my wrist. "g-Gabe your hurting me" I said weakly. "Oh what now you little whore?! not so strong now are we?!" he shouted. his face red now. man I think he has major anger issues. and man he was hurting my wrist. "Gabe don't call me that!!" I screamed at him loud this time, I really didn't like being called names. I heard Blake's door frantically being open and slammed shut. but before I could process anything I felt a sharp pain in my cheek. I looked up and saw that Gabes hand was still raised. I gasped. "you fucking dick don't fucking touch me!" I screamed. and with that I should of learned my lesson because me hit me harder in the face and I fell to the floor. He released his iron grip on my wrist but twisted it causing an unnatural popping noise. then he started kicking me when out of no where he was gone. I sighed in relief.

But then I looked up to see Blake and Gabe going at it. I jumped up and screamed for them to stop. jeez where is everyone?

Then my senses came back and I could hear. idk I guess I zoned out.

"FUCKING LAY A FINGER ON HER AGAIN AND I WILL KILL YOU" Blake boomed making me flinch. and punched Gabe in the nose. Gabe wiped the blood away and aimed to hit Blake. I shielded my eyes and weakly sat down curling into a ball. waiting for this to stop. suddenly I thought of what could happen to Blake and he could end up in the hospital. my breathing became shallow and quick. I started hyperventilating and had no one there to calm me down. I got back up holding my most likely broken wrist, tears streaming down my face and shaking violently. I looked and saw Blake on top of Gabe punching him struggling to stay in top. I instantly grabbed my phone from my pocket shakily, and dialed 911. I held up my phone, "Gabe!!! stop now or I'm calling the police!!" I yelled as loud as I could with the panic attack and all. Blake looked up and his face softened and he ran to my side. "I'm so sorry princess!" he said quickly looking over my wounds as I shook and was still hyperventilating. he turned back to Gabe "go. and learn to treat girls with respect you little shit. your lucky your not going to jail because of this" he said harshly. "and I will be telling mom and dad about this" he finished. Gabe stalked to his room and slammed the door.

I was still shaking but I wasn't breathing as poorly. i looked to Blake and he looked pretty good for being in a fight. I probably looked terrible. "oh princess" he sighed hugging me. I breathed in his cologne and he rubbed my back calming me. I stopped shaking and hyperventilating. "th-thank you my leprechaun" I said weakly. I stroked my hair and sighed once more. "I knew we shouldn't have come here, and I should have been with you" he said blaming himself for this. "no-no Blake. if anything it's my fault. I shouldn't of talked back, and been so stubborn when I knew he was upset" I choked out. he shook his head no and a tear rolled down his cheek. "no it's not your fault or mine. it's Gabes. maybe one day he will realize who he should be." He said hugging me. he then looked at my hand and gasped. "d-did he do that?" he asked. I looked down and nodded, my wrist was all purple, bruised , and swollen like a potato. It hurt to move it so I'm sure it was broken.

I was at my house with Blake and my parents weren't going to be home until 10:30. And it was 3:00. I looked in the mirror for the first time after the whole thing and gasped. I had a busted lip, bruised cheek, and I had bruises forming on my sides. I looked down at my wrist. we had taken a trip to the E.R. and they told me that my wrist was broken, so now I have a pink cast on. I walked back to my room and cuddled next to Blake. he had a black eye, a busted lip, and a bruise on his cheek. he still looked perfect though, jeez how does he do it? "you look like a bod boy that got in a fight" I said kissing his bruise. he smiled, "bad boys do it better" and winked. "you got that right lover boy" I giggled.

After a while of laying down and cuddling Blake spoke up. "liss I am so sorry. you looked so helpless when you started freaking out. you got pale as a ghost and was shaking. I was so scared" he said against my neck as we hugged. "I know Blake I'm sorry I made him mad, if I would of just came to get you this wouldn't of happened" I said snuggling closer, my words slightly muffled. he stroked my hair. "I'm just sorry this happened liss. it's not your fault. I'm sorry. I'm just sorry" he mumbled in my hair as he held me.

"Blake what's your middle name?" I asked randomly. he chuckled, "my middle name is Michael" he chuckled. "what is yours Melissa?" he asked. I smiled "well my middle name is hope" I smiled. he hugged me closer. "I love you Blake Michael Peterson" I said truthfully. "well I love you Melissa hope collier" he said laying his head in the nape of my neck.he startled chuckling. "you might wanna cover these up" he said. I giggled "oh okay" I sighed getting up to put makeup on my love bites. I came back proud of myself because your couldn't even tell they where there.

Soon my eyes were heavy and was consumed by the darkness.

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