3 weeks later

17 1 0


I walked into the store and snuck into the baby isle. I grabbed the first test I saw, rubbing my tired eyes. I fast walked to the cashier, putting it on the counter and looking down getting money. I looked up to see a older lady giving me a disapproving glare. I slapped the money on the table and glared back, "have a nice day" she said with an attitude. I sighed "you too" and walked to the bathroom, and took the test.

I stood there staring at the timer that was going on my phone, to check the test.


I turned my phone off and looked at the test desperately.

Then my heart stopped, I little pink plus sign appeared in the box. tears spilled from my eyes, and a sob left my mouth. well there goes my hope of working in culinary, and having a good relationship with blake.

I busted out of the door seeing the lady again, this time she saw my tear stained cheeks and gave me a sympathetic look. I got to my car and jammed the key in the ignition and drove to the one place I knew I could go, Anne's.


I knocked at the door and waited for Anne to answer. soon the door swing open to Anne eating a piece of pizza, she saw me and her face softened "what happened?!" She asked hugging me. "That's what I came to tell you." I said nervous. she nodded and headed inside. her parents not home as usual and her little sister Molly at a friends. we soon got to her room and she closed the door sitting down and munching on her pizza. "so what happened?" she asked. "I-I'm.. ugh. me and.. ugh" I stumbled over my words. she knit her eyebrows together in confusion "c'mon spit it out, Im your best friend." she explained "I'm pregnant" I said quietly. her eyes widened and she let out at gasp. "your what!?" she yelled. I flinched "I'm ugh kinda pregnant" I said rubbing my neck. "oh my gosh how did this happen??" she asked a bit frazzled. "well you know me and Blake..." I said not wanting to give details "we where drunk" I explained. she ran to me and engulfed me in a hug. "oh my gosh Melissa who have you told? does Blake know?" she asked letting go. "just you and no.." I said, tears brimming my eyes. she nodded. "you need to tell him" she said slowly. I nodded, "I'll call him and ask him if I could meet him at his house" I said putting my head down and letting the tears flow. I felt her pull me into another hug and rubbed my back. "I'm not ready" I sobbed. "I know ,I know, it's okay" she cooed. Then we sat on her bed and started talking for a bit until a joke came into mind from when we where 14. I smiled "hey do you remember that joke we had from that commercial. when we where 14?" I asked. She giggled, "wanna hold ma pee stick?!?!?" I shouted jokingly. and with that we busted out laughing at the stupidest joke ever. we where rolling on the ground laughing, wiping happy tears from ours eyes. Soon it was night time and I said my goodbyes giving Anne a hug. "I'll be there for you liss if this doesn't end well" she said as I walked away. "thank you Anne" I said.

I hopped into my car and hit Blake's contact, pressing call.

"Hey babe, what up?" he asked happily

"Hey! so Is it okay if I come meet you at your house?" I asked

"Of course baby come anytime" he cooed.


I stepped on his doorstep and knocked on the door. it swung open to reveal a very hot Blake who was shirtless. "hey babe, what's up?" he asked hugging me and bringing me to his room. once we got there he sat on his bed, hugging. "b-Blake I have some news" I informed. he gave me a serious look, "yea, what is it princess?" he asked worry laced in his voice.

"I'm pregnant" I said as no one said anything.

We just sat there, in silence. tears brimmed my eyes as I stood up propping my bag on my shoulder. fine he didn't need to be a dad. "Ok then. bye Blake" I said a tear sliding down my cheek, and my voice wavering. I started walking when a larger hand wrap around my non-injured wrist. I turned around to see Blake's perfect face. "Liss, I'm sorry I didn't say anything. I was just shocked. I love you don't leave" I said this time his voice wavering. "I love you too Blake" I said pulling him into a hug. I felt rough hands slide under my shirt and rub my belly. "I'm gonna be a dad" he whispered. like he just realized it. He pulled away from the hug and looked at me. "I know it's a tad early, but we are gonna get through this. and I will love you, and this baby" he said smiling. I smiled back and hugged and kissed him.

Maybe this will work out..

I drove home with alone, so I could tell my parents. I don't want them to kill Blake. as I parked my car and hopped out locking it as I went. as I reached the door I started to shake , and my heart was beating a million miles an hour. what if they kick me out? what if they won't love me anymore?! tears streaming down my face as I thought about the worst case scenarios, as always. I opened the door rushing to my room so I could calm Down.

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