Chappy 11

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I took a deep shaky breath. "what are you doing here?" I asked sharply. "Melissa, please. I love you . just listen to me" he pleads. I turned my head the other way, "why should i? I mean I was only a bet wasn't i blake?" I replied cooly. I tear rolled down my cheek.. man I cried to much these two weeks.. " at first it was a bet.. But the moment I realized I loved you was when I woke up in your room with you cuddled up close to me." his voice cracked full of emotion. He ran his hand threw his hair making It even more messy.

"I lied about a lot, but I never lied about loving you" he said

(Yes that is a quote from pretty little liars lol)

"You don't know how much you have hurt me Blake. I tried to be strong and not let you be the reason for my tears. but I couldn't.. do you know how long I cried over you? do you know how many times I asked myself what I did to deserve this? do you know how alone I felt?" I asked tears flowing down my cheeks. he looked down at his shoes . " I know. and I will never fully forgive myself" he spoke I saw I tear run down his cheek. "you have to believe me Melissa I love you" he said as he walked closer to me. kissing my forehead. "Please can we forget about that and go back to how we where?" He asked. I thought about it. I nodded and hugged him. "but this counts as two strikes mister, so you only have one more left" I said in the hug. "I promise I won't ever lose that strike" he whispered . "You better not or my dad will chop off your balls" I giggled. just then a jeep pulled up to my house and jack gave me a goofy look waggling his eye brows. I giggled. "hey Blake my friend is here, I'm gonna hang with him" I said. "h-him?" he asked stuttering. "yes my friends a him turn around silly!" I said happily. just then jack walked out and gave me a big hug "hey!" he said enthusiastically. "hiee" I said back. "so this is your friend? " Blake asked in clenched teeth. haha aww he's jealous! haha he doesn't know that jack is gay. I decided to push it a little. and I held jack a little long in the hug whispering "act straight so he gets jealous" . he chuckled. "ya this is jack my friend" I said standing next to him. jack put his arm around my waist snuggling me closer. Blake gave him a deadly glare and then looked down at me. ya I was 5'7 and he is about 6'0. he clenched and unclenched his fists. I couldn't contain my laughter anymore and neither could jack. we started laughing our asses off . while Blake gave us a confused look. in between laughter I shouted "Blake ,calm down, hes, gay!" I was laughing even harder now.

"I guess I deserved that" Blake said chuckling.

I stood back up wiping tears from my eyes. "you where right he is a looker" jack said, obviously not caring he was right there. "and as you can tell he is Irish. " I said waggling my eyebrows. Blake gave me a funny look, then wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me close. "possessive much?" I giggled. I joked around but really I loved that he was possessive, it showed he cared. "mmm yes" he answered in my hair. I giggled. "okay I'll give you too love birds your couple time" jack started " and have fun, and be safe" jack yelled over his shoulder. i giggled. "thanks see you later!".

I looked at Blake, "hurry let's get inside before my parents get home" I said. he chuckled. "sneaking around with a boy? Melissa how could you, and I thought you where a goodie goodie" he said sarcastically. "Hey, you know good girls are just bad girls that don't get caught" I said smirking. he chuckled. "really now?" he said giving me another hug, sighing. "I missed you" he whispered. "I missed you too" I said back. I grabbed his hand and ran to the door. "MOVIE NIGHT!" I yelled excited. good thing is was Friday!

Soon we where cuddled up watching a movie, "Blake, why did you wait two weeks to say sorry" I asked thinking out loud. "I thought you would be to angry with me" he said looking down. "oh" was all I said. and I cuddled into his chest. "wait where's the promise ring??" I asked. "oh here.. "he said digging it out of his pocket. and putting It in my finger. "and I'm adding a promise. I promise to always tell you the truth" he said looking into my eyes . Man I hate that I love him so much. I grabbed his face and kissed him. when we pulled away he had the biggest smiled spread on his perfect face.

We where now watching leelo and stitch, all cuddled up and eating cheese corn. "oh Melissa I forgot to ask, what happened at your doctors appt?" . he asked casually. "not much, I have another appt on Tuesday this week to see what exactly is wrong, but I found out that I have a slight irregular heart beat " I said back just as casual. he tensed up. "what? my baby has heart problems? Jesus! do you need anything? Water, medicine?" he asked frantically. I put my hand on his cheek and he instantly calmed down. "Blake, babe. it's a slight irregular heart beat, In fine. that's not the main problem. I will live" I giggled towards the end. he let out a breath. "jeez, did you have a heart attack. I swear you act like I said I had a brain tumor" I said joking. he chuckled along. "ya I guess I over reacted a bit" he chuckled. soon I was back in his arms and listening to his heart Beat. my cat dori strolled in saying her meows as she rubbed against me. I giggle petting her soft fur. she instantly purred and curled up on my lap. then my dick of a dog, jumped of my bed loudly and licked Blake's face. "eh what did ye eat? smells like shit" he said chuckling. as my dog laid next to him. "well now Shelly it's your turn!" I yelled out to my turtle. I giggled "oh okay keep working on that escape!". Blake chucked once more and placed soft kisses on my cheek, then on the edge of my mouth but not quite "such a tease blake" I said turning my head and smashing my lips to his. He groaned, and pulled me closer. soon I was in his lap. I felt something squeeze between us and bark. oh Beethoven.. we stopped kissing and Beethoven was barking and whining for us to stop. I giggled "Beethoven you ruined the moment!" I said patting his head. a sat down next to Blake and he kissed my forehead. At that Beethoven growled at him. "Buddy calm down" he said messing up his fur. "he is so much like my dad Ppssshh" I scoffed.

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