What now?

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I don't know how long we were kissing for but I really liked it. like a lot. we broke apart when we needed air. I looked into his eyes and rested my fore head against his. "Liss can i tell you something ?" he asked. "mmhmm" I answered. I got off him and we sat across from each other. "I have always liked you, more than a friend" he revealed. I looked at him shocked. "I-I urm" I started. he looked hurt and let down before I continued talking. "I've felt the same way since like 3rd grade" I said with a huge smile on my face. his eyes lightened and he gave me a bear hug. "W-what now?" I asked nervous and looked down. he again cupped my face with his hand, sweetly. "will you go out with me?" he asked. I smiled and shook my head yes. He smiled back "i knew you couldn't resist this" he said gesturing to himself. I scoffed "huh as if I just felt bad for you" I said kidding. he looked at me and we started busting out in laughter. "c'mon let's get cleaned up it looks like my fridge threw up on us " I giggled. and headed to the bathroom and got a moist towel. when I got back he was laying on my bed getting the gunk all over my sheets. "oh you ass! you got it all over my sheets!" I said as I jumped on the bed next to him. he chuckled and sat up letting me clean him off. I could feel his eyes on me as I wiped off all the gunk. "ya know if you take a picture It will last longer" I joked. but he took it seriously. he took out his phone and we took a picture of him kissing me on the cheek and I still having food all over my face. I giggled all the way through. he then took a wet dish cloth and washed of my face. The rough fabric brushed my face. it was warm. I looked into his blue eyes and got lost In them. I snapped out of my fantasizing and blushed when I heard him let out a deep chuckle. "Your so cute when you blush liss" he complimented. "and you, have a hunk of blue berry in your hair" I said getting it out. I walked to the bathroom and washed my hair out in the sink. I quickly died it with a towel and put a small amount of mouse in it. when I got back he was lookin at his phone and running his hands through his hair. he looked extremely attractive right now.. malissa! snap out of it! hehe "hey liss it's getting dark and I don't have my car do you know what to do?" he asked. I sighed and checked my phone. and smiled a huge smile when I saw the msg my mom left for me. "hey liss me and dad aren't going to be home until Sunday night" (it's Friday)

I put my hands around his neck and sat on his lap straddling him. "you can stay the night my parent aren't gonna be home till Sunday" I said waggling my eyebrows. he chuckled. "awesome, because I didn't want to leave" he said laying down making himself comfortable. I giggled once again and smiled laying down next to him and turned on MTV. apparently I wasn't close enough, which I did on purpose because I think we're moving really fast. but I guess we have known each other for like 7 years. He pulled me closer and I laid my head on his toned chest. I smiled and I felt his deep voice vibrate as he talked to me, "liss you know your beautiful right?" . I smiled "not till now" I murmured and snuggled into his chest. he kissed my nose and I drifted into a deep sleep.

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