Chapter 28

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I was sitting back watching my drunken boyfriend goof around with the rest of our drunk friends. Anne and Liam where sucking each others faces off and everyone else was laughing like idiots. The couch dipped beside me and i looked over to see blake next to me, his face flushed and a stupid smile plastered on his face. "hunny is there something wrong with your left eye..?.. because you have been lookin right all day" he finished winking. I giggled and shook my head "but baaybee! i wanna know.. did you sit in sugar? because your ass is pretty sweet" he said with a wink. and with that i was sent into a giggling fit.

••2 days later••

I was cuddled up next to blake all in my cozy clothes when a pain shot through my stomach, whats happening? im only 5 months along! this is bad. "blake! oh god! my stomach" i groaned loudly clutching my swollen belly. his eyes went wide and he ran with me to the car hoping in And speeding towards the hospital.


We rushed inside blakes arm around my waist, "miss! its my girlfriend, she has a pain in her stomach" he rushed out as the lady at the front desk ran to get a doctor, and in seconds we where in the hospital room and the doctor was checking me out.


The doctor looked up from the clip board with sorry eyes, "im sorry but Melissa, you've had a miscarriage" and at his word i broke down, my fears had been confirmed. he walked toward the door "ill give you some time before we talk about the details. im sorry again, and Melissa this isnt your fault its okay" the doctor tried to comfort me as he walked out. My hands where shaking as i clutched my stomach, "oh god the doctor said that bc it was my fault! oh my god i killed our baby!" I sobbed. blake rubbed my back "no baby no. This is not your fault" blake cooed grabbing my shoulders and looking me in the eyes. "Listen you believe this more than me, everything happens for a reason" he said wiping away my tears. "we are to young anyways, now you can go to culinary school and do your dream job, then we can make a family" he finished. i nodded my head solemnly "your right blake. i love you"


And this is the end, i just didnt know what to do with this story to be honest, thank you to the people who read this 336 reads?! thats amazing!! and again to the people who i know that read this, i didnt write this about any one and this isnt based off of me, i actually really dont want any of these things to happen to me lol. Thank you and sorry i killed the baby


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