Chapter 12

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My eyes shot open at my mom calling my name. "Melissa, what is this?" She asked gesturing to me and Blake. I looked down and saw that a blanket was over us as me cuddled and he was dead asleep, drooling on my shoulder. ew really Blake? "uh sorry mom I guess we fell asleep. I'll wake him up so he can go home." I explained stretching my arms out. she giggled, "it's okay I trust you guys as long as the doors open" she said walking to her room. I smiled and sighed. what did I do to deserve this wonderful life? "mmm what time is it?" I heard Blake ask in a husky morning voice. I got chills. i looked at the time quickly "it's 9:30" I said yawning. he squeezed me closer if that was even possible. "too early" he mumbled into my hair. I giggled and said "got that right".

My eyes fluttered open as sun rays faltered through my blinds. I looked up and saw a face like a Greek god, Blake. he was so adorable in his sleep. I sighed and laid my head back down on his hard chest. I hold him closer and inhaled what was left if his delicious cologne. "Don't leave me" I whispered like he could hear me. I was about to fall back asleep listening to his steady heart beat. "I promise" I heard a husky whisper. I looked up shocked to see Blake's eyes open and looking into mine. I leaned up and kissed his soft plump lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck playing with his hair. soon i was straddling him. he let out a low moan and I pulled away blushing. "to far" he chuckled. "yyeeaa" I said turning even more red, jeez my face probably looked like a tomato! "your so cute when you blush liss" he said . I giggled and kissed him again this one lasting longer than the last. I hesitantly pulled away, I mean I couldn't breath. "okay lover boy, I'm going to go make breakfast for us." I looked at the time. "oh my parents are already at work, so it's just us" I said waggling my eyebrows and getting up. I felt the cold air hit my legs and I gasped looking down. damn why did I wear shorts? I shivered and walked down to the kitchen. I got out the ingredients to make French toast. I took my phone from my bra and turned on my YouTube playlist.

I put the eggs in a bowl stirring them with the cinnamon humming along to ,all of me . I felt strong warm arms wrap around my waist. "your so adorable when you cook liss" he whispered. i giggled putting the eggy mix soaked bread on the pan. I felt him kissing down my neck. he started leaving a love bite. I laughed and tilted my head so he had better access. when he was done he blew on my neck making me shiver. I looked at him and gave him a quick peck in the lips before I returned to my toast.

After I had cooked plenty of toast, plus some for my parents. I was pushing the pan aside and I accidentally touched te scorching metal. "oooooowwww owowowowow" I chanted running to the small bathroom by my kitchen. I ran my hand under the icy water and watched as the skin rose and turned red. I huffed at my hand and looked at myself in the mirror. I gasped. there was a giant purple-pink hickey on my neck. "oh my gosh blake!! I didn't think it was that big and purple!!" I yelled at him. I heard an amused chuckled come from the kitchen. I smirked and walked out turning the light off as I went. "your not going to be so smug when my dad sees" I said raising an eyebrow. he looked at me with wide eyes and choked on his orange juice. "shit" he cursed. "he is going to kill me". I giggled while putting our food on plates and handing him his. "I'm gonna need a way to cover this up lover boy". I said gesturing to my neck. "No, I want everyone to know that you are mine" he said. "well Blake how about everyone but my parents? " I smiled at his possessiveness. realization washed over his perfect face, "you could just wear a scarf when you see your parents" he said happily. I chuckled at him "okay now eat, so we can go back and cuddle!" . He smiled ear to ear "yes ma'am"

Soon we where cuddling as watching more tv, when I noticed how nice it was outside. I looked over to Blake and he was already fast asleep. I giggled at his sleeping features. "blake" I whispered softly in his ear. he didn't move a muscle. I smiled to myself, leaning closer towards him. I placed soft kisses on his cheeks and he smiled. oh cheeky one are we? I giggled an kissed the side of his mouth, almost kissing him. he chuckled "ye such a tease liss" . "well Blake if you would wake up" I giggled again. "okay okay I'm up" he said giving me a hug. "hey Blake?" I asked, "yes beautiful?" he answered. I giggled, "it's really nice out, we should walk to the store or something" I said resting my head on his hard chest. "Mmkay princess, you want to walk or board?" he asked excitedly as he rested his head in the crook of my neck. I popped my head up "I have both my long boards!" I jumped up and got my shorts an flowy tank too on. brushing my hair and touching up my makeup. "okay I'm ready" I said running to my closet. I heard a deep chuckle behind me "uh princess aren't ye missin somthing?" he asked pointing to my feet. I looked down laughing. "I guess I got a little excited" I shrugged pulling out my two long boards. and grabbing my keds. I pulled on some socks and slid my shoes on. "are you ready leprechaun?" I asked giggling at his new nickname. he chuckled as he tied his shoes "ye" . I handed him the board giving him a peck on the lips.

I ran down the stairs grabbing 20 dollars. I felt strong arms wrap around my waist. I chuckled as Blake kissed my neck. "you should wear your hair up, so people can see that your mine" he hummed against my shoulder. I giggled "okay my leprechaun". I tossed my hair in one place making a top not, tugging at my hair to make a messy bun. I smiled at him then looked in the mirror approving of my hair, but frowning at my face. "it's amazing how effortless you can do that" he said behind me. "yea I got it down" I said simply as I looked away from my chubby face. I looked down grabbing the keys and scribbling a note to my parents saying that we went on a walk.

I grabbed my board and was about to leave when Blake cupped my face in his hands and made me look up at him. "princess? you know your beautiful right?" he asked with worry lacing his perfect features. I smiled and got Lost in deep ocean blue eyes. I nodded yes even though I really didn't believe it. he kept staring into my also blue eyes. "I could stare into you eyes forever they're so beautiful. like you" he complimented. I blushed. my eyes I thought were one of my two good features. they where a light/bright blue with a deep navy blue outlining them. "thank you, I could stare in your eyes forever too, but c'mon lover boy we are gonna go skate to the store! " I exclaimed kissing his plump pink lips before I grabbed his hand and my board running out the door.

I winked at my gorgeous boyfriend before hopping on my long board "race ya to the poll!" I shouted. "hey you got a head start!" I heard him yell chuckling. soon I was almost to the lamp post, going at a good speed. but then I felt a rush of wind blow by me and saw Blake flying past me. "oh you asked for it!" I yelled smiling and going faster. my hair flying in the wind. I soon pasted him giggling and I swerved right in front of him. Once I reached the lamp post I jumped off my board cheering and doing a happy dance. I felt Blake's arms wrap around me and kiss my neck. Trailing kisses up to my mouth. soon we where full on making out. "hey! get a room ya love birds!" I heard Tim yell. Tim was a boy that lived in my neighbor hood and rode my bus.

"Well we just might!" Blake yelled winking at me. I laughed "c'mon lover boy!" I exclaimed and hopped on my board riding towards the road. I heard another set of wheels behind me. when we got the the path out of breath I carried my board. I felt Blake walk beside me and hold my hand. I hummed in happiness.

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