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My eyes fluttered open to arms wrapping around my waist. I looked over my shoulder to see Blake drooling on my shoulder as usual. I giggled and kissed his nose. "mmguhng good mornin' darlin" He mumbled with half open eyes. "good morning leprechaun, let's just skip today I don't feel good" I lied pouting my lips out. he closed his eyes again and squeezed me tighter "sounds good". I snuggled into his chest and our legs tangled together, when a thought came to mind. "Blake, me and Anne Always talked about moving in together. and if we had like two other room mates then rent would be easier with the baby" I suggested. he looked deep in thought for a moment then he smiled. "ya that sounds terrific, and I think I found our other roommate" he said with a smirk. I raised my eyebrows "who?" I asked. "I always talked about moving in with my buddy Liam" he said chuckling probably recalling old memories. " perfect" I smirked "Anne has the biggest crush on him." I laughed. "oops I guess that was a secret" I giggle. he chuckled along with me. I whipped out my phone calling Anne , followed by Liam. they both agreeing.

I giggled and clicked on a small light pink house, it was a four bedroom house with an upstairs and downstairs. it was perfect other than the fact that the guys would be living in a pink house. which I had no objections to. I showed the screen to Blake and her read it, his smile growing with every word. he chucked and looked up at me. "it's perfect, but princess. it's pink" he said with a smirk. I poked out my bottom lip "but I like pink" I said giving him puppy dog eyes. he smiled and hugged me closer, "okay then I guess it is almost white. and it's pretty much perfect." . I did a happy dance and called the number on the add.

"Hello this is sherry" I cheery voice said on the other line. "hi! I'm Melissa and me and my friends are looking for a house and we found this one and well I just fell in love with it!" I exclaimed exaggerating a bit. she chucked then responded "okie dokie well you are the first offer, do you want it?" she asked. I smiled a huge smile, "ya we'll take it!" I exclaimed.

...3 weeks later....

We walked out of the cute little four bedroom house and I squeezed Blake excitedly. "yes we love it!" I answered sherry. "well you can move in next week if you want" she said smiling. "yes! we will. thank you" I said hugging her. with Anne and Liam's money with mine and Blake's we had more than enough.

As soon as sherry left I called Anne squealing. "aaahh we got the house" I screamed happily. I heard an ecstatic yelp from her end. "Thank god!! when can we move in? I want to get away from this house as soon as possible!" she exclaimed. "next week!" I yelled back. "oh wow! okay I'll tell my parents and start packin! Byyyeee!" she said and hung up. I giggled and watched Blake do the same. "Liam is happy too. and I could hear Anne from over here so I know she is" he chuckled and slid his arm around my waist. I giggled and nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck affectionately. he hummed in happiness and we intertwined our fingers.


I swung the door open and waved goodbye to Blake blowing a kiss, and nervously looked into the living room where my parents where. "mom, dad! I have news" I said not knowing if it was good or bad.

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