Part one: The walk

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A tall brown haired boy wearing a brown striped shirt walked in the woods alone while these voices kept reminding him, "The car. That car. Your sister. Your dad. The abuse. The bullies." He angrily grabs his hair and fell to the ground. "STOP!!!" He yelled out. "GO AWAY!!!" He kept repeating punching the ground with hus fists, but they wont go away. Tobys hands droped as he stood up and stumbled deep into the woods. A while later he felt tired and sat under a tree while huging hus knees. "I just want to die. why cant they let me die? Why did "he" have to do this to me?" Toby asked many questions concerning his existance as he cried into his hands. Soon the brown haierd boy fell asleep untill it became night. Once he woke he went straight south, untill he was face to face with a huge mansion in the middle of the woods, the so called "Slenders mansion". 

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