Part 12: I dont feel good

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Toby weakly walked downstairs with the help of ben and masky. "Mmh.." he said as he plopped on the couch. "So how are you feeling..?" Masky asked concerned as he sat next to Toby. "Well other than pain.. I'm alright.. I just feel weak.." Toby said as he lays down. "Hmmm.. alright.. are you hungry..? Waffles..?" Masky asked. "Ummm.. no thanks.." Toby didn't feel any side effects from the fall but he knew he had really bad bruises from the trees. "Just another thing to cry about.." he mumbled and hid his face in the pillow. "Hm..?" Masky asked confused. "Forget it.." Toby replied.  "I'm just gonna.. try and.. take a nap.. " Toby took off his mask and goggles and hid himself in the covers. He soon fell into a deep sleep.
Hours passed and Toby never woke. He was still breathing but it got slower and slower by the Minute. No one noticed becuase they were all outside in the woods. Until Sally came in and went to get her tea set that Jane bought her. She stopped and looked at Toby. "Um.. toby..?" She poked him. "....." Toby was out. "Uhhh-.." Sally ran upstairs, grabbed her tea set as fast as she can and ran back outside. "JEFF!! JACK!!" She yelled. "What sally..?" Jeff said annoyed. "I think toby is dead" she said softly. "What.??" Jeff and Jack both said confused. "He's just sleeping. He's fine." Jack said. "Sally was he breathing..?" Jeff asked. "Kinda.. i mean.. I dunno!" She said. Jeff graves his knife from the tree and ran inside. "JEFF DONT KILL HIM!!" Sally screamed. She got everyone's attention. "What?" Ben turned around from the lake he was staring at. "I think Toby is dead." She said and placed her tea set down. Everyone quickly ran inside. "HEY!! Who's gonna play with me..?" She said sadly.

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