Part 17: Help me

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After what seemed like years of not sleeping, the sun started to rise and Toby finally got up and got ready for the day. Meanwhile, everyone downstairs was talking about Toby and what happened that night. "He saw his father..?" Ben asked, looking at LJ. "Well that's what I assume.. he screamed "Dad" as soon as I came in" LJ replied. "Maybe he thought you were his dad.. as in a hallucination..?" Masky looked up at LJ. "um-.. what~?" Jack said blushing slightly. Masky gave the most Derpy(est) look ever. "I don't know..!!" He said looking away. "uhh-.." Jane turned around to see the goggled boy by the stairs. "good morning Toby!!" She said happily. ".. you guys were talking about me..?" He asked nervously. "what..? No. We are just talking about what happened lastnight with you and Jack" masky replied. "yeah-.. that was kind of weird. Did you see anything Toby..?" LJ asked. Toby started to feel woozy. "um... I-..." he trailed off. "No. Stop guys.. just let him breath.. we will ask him later.." ben went over to Toby and hugged him worriedly. "yeah your right.. sorry Tobes" Masky went back to what he was doing. Toby looked down at the small elf. "Thanks ben.." he patted bens head. Ben smiled and nodded, helping Toby to the couch. They both sat down. "Want me to get you anything..?" Ben asked. "No thanks.. I'm okay.." Toby faked a smile. "...Okay.. call me if you need anything!" Ben got up and looked down at Toby who nodded and lied down on the couch. He smiles again and ran off. Toby lied down and pondered about what happened that night. "Why..? What was that for..? Why him..? What about Lyra..? Why not his mom..?" Those thoughts ran threw his mind, along with those voices. "He's coming Toby. He's coming back. Be warned. He's gonna hunt you down. Haunt you." They kept saying. Toby grabbed his head in anger and confusion and quietly sobbed. LJ saw him and went into Tobys mind, "heeey waffle boy~..!" He said. Toby quickly sat up and looked around for LJ who was nowhere to be found. "I'm in your head dingus. Stop looking like a weirdo" Jack said. "What do you want Jack..?" Toby asked. "What's up with you..? What happened lastnight?" Jack asked. "Nothing-... I just-... I don't know.. I thought I saw my dad.. just like what happened to Lyra.. and now the voices are saying he's gonna haunt me from now on.." Toby paused. "Hmm~... well.." Jack stoped and thought for a moment. "I could help!" He continued. "What..? How..??" Toby asked, confused. "Don't worry about it. Just try not to fall asleep right now.. okay..?" He told Toby. Toby nodded "mhmm.." jack came out of Tobys head and appeared on the couch next to him. "Heya~" Jack said, looking at Toby. "...." Toby sprang up and immedently hugged Jack. "Thank you.." He said shakily. Jack hugged back, "yeah.. anytime kiddo~"

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