Part 25: Carnival Date

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Couple months later~
It's been a while. Everyone has grew in their own state. Masky became more independent, hoodie has came out of his shell, Sally became a little less annoying, Toby finally got confidence in himself.. etc. But things have changed, since "ticcidrowned" became a thing, everyone was less social. They stoped talking to one another unless they had to. Of course everyone in the household was okay with ben and Toby being a thing, but others weren't. One day Toby had an idea of taking ben in a date, but they were worried about getting caught.. so. "JACCCKK" Toby yelled, running up to Laughing Jack. "What is it?" He asked "is it okay if you take me and ben to your carnival..? I wanna take him in a date!!" "Ugh.. I cant allow that." Jack rolled his eyes and looked the other way, not noticing Toby who was making puppy eyes. "........FINE" Jack quickly got up. "YAY!! I'll go get ben!!" Toby jumped up and ran upstairs, coming back with ben running by his side. "Uhh what's going on??" Ben asked confused. "I was in the middle of a game!!" He crossed his arms. "Of course you were.. now you two, don't make any commotion in there. Understood?" Jack said. "Yep" Toby nodded his head. "Uh.. yeaaah??" Ben looked at Toby. "Alright,.." He quickly teleported the three of them to the carnival and left without saying anything. "Um.. Toby.. why are we here..?" "Well.. I wanted to take you on a date.. eheh.. sorry if it was too sudden. I actually didn't have anything planned" Toby told ben. "Hm.. alright.. so now that we are here.. what will we do!" He asked him excitement. "Are you hungry..? We could get some good first!" Toby told him. "Well.. if we are gonna ride some stuff, shouldn't we eat after.. so.. ya know" ben paused. "Oh right.. haha.. well let's go then!" Toby happily took Ben's hand and went into the carnival.
After a bunch of rides and some fun memories, they finally sat down to eat but wanted to ride the Ferris wheel, and so they did. "Come onn!! The line is moving up!!" Ben shouted at Toby who was looking at other people on a ride. "Oh.. coming!!" He shouted back and ran up to ben who was Already in a cart. The workers closed the door and started up the ride. "Woo! Here we goo!" Toby sat next to Ben who was already looking out. "Be careful you don't fall out!" Toby held the back of Ben's shirt lightly, just incase. "Yeah yeah.. I'm fine" they both waited till they got up to the top and looked out. "Woah.." Toby looked at Ben and back at the view. "Hm.." he smirked and quickly tilted Ben's head to look at him. "??" Ben was confused for a moment before knowing what Toby was about to do and kissed him quickly before Toby did. They both sat there for about a minute before pulling away and looking away, blushing. "S-so.." Toby looked back at the view, until they were back at the bottom. Once the did, they got up and left; to where LJ left them. "How are we getting back home..?" Ben asked, looking up at the sky. "Uhhh... JACKKKK!!!" Toby screamed again. Jack appeared next to them. "Oh hey!" Ben looked at Jack and chuckled. "Tch.. are you guys ready ?" He rolled his eyes again. "Yeah." Toby smiled down at Ben. The three of them teleported back home; Jack went back to eating candy and Ticcidrowned went to watch a movie together.

- Heya! Admin here, I just wanted to say.. I'm not very familiar with laughing Jack's story and I'm not sure if he can let the other proxy or anyone else into his carnival but I only used him cuz I literally had no choice XD again I'm sorry if I changed anything about laughing Jack or any of the characters, it's just a fanfic, please don't take it to heart. Thank you~!!♥️. ~Admin

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