Chapter 1

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Ships: Ally/Dinah, Lauren/Normani (Very late on)

Magic is not a very common thing to see or hear in this world, and yet sometimes some things just happen that defy certain expectations.

At least that's what Dinah was feeling at this very moment as she looked down at the little girl who was asleep in her arms as she was watching television. Who was this little girl? You ask.

Her name is Normani Kordei Hamilton, Yes that  Normani Kordei Hamilton, and right now she was stuck as a little four year old who would occasionally switch memories of her older self and her childish self; as Dinah would eventually discover.

This all started about three days ago...


"You are such a pain in the ass," Dinah yelled as she was being held back by Shawn, Nick, Keith and Lauren, "I get it, you got the voice but you are such a pain."

Why was Dinah yelling at Normani, yet again?

Actually this time Normani couldn't even put her finger on the why, all she did was walk into the music room as everyone else either ignored her or insulted her and began to look through the sheet music on the piano quietly so that she could try and help prepare something for the Music project because no one else seemed to do it until it was too late. Of course She hadn't been getting a lot of sleep recently and there was something that was literally bugging her to the point that it terrified her but she didn't know what it was.
Something was going on.
There was loud banging, doors opening, a sinister feeling every so often; and now with her parents away for a business trip, Normani was feeling incredibly terrified being all alone. But then again it wasn't like she had anyone she could turn to. No one liked her enough to give her the time of day, so she figured that there was no point in asking if she could stay with someone.

"Mani why don't you caterwaul another day we don't need to hear you," Dinah said as Normani just sighed before looking out the window and shuddered at what was glaring back at her.

As she turned her head away to try and calm herself down, she wished in that moment that someone would ask her if she was okay, if they could help her often, but no one ever did as she she started to lose more sleep as time went by.

"So Miss Diva, what plans do you have for project?" Tori asked, trying to bait the smaller brunette into an argument.

But this time Normani was too tired to try anything so she said nothing.

"Looks like Miss Diva has nothing to say," Michael said with a smirk.

Normani just pulled her knees up to her chest as she was still sat in the chair and tried hard not to fall asleep, or cry.

"See Dinah, she's not bugging anyone now, sit," Lauren commanded as Dinah huffed at her and pulled her arms away from the brunette and sat down.

"Hey yall," Miss Lovato said as she came in, late as usual.

"Oh god," Lauren muttered as She began talking about doing new music for the project.

When the class was finally over everyone rushed out of the room, starting with Normani.

"She's acting weird, well, weirder," Dinah said as she looked after the girl who ran out first.

"Who cares?" Tori stated, "She's quiet now so we don't have to listen to her, like at all,"

"Agreed," Michael said as he linked his arm through Tori's, "So, shopping and girls hang out?"

"Yes please,"

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