Chapter 4

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Dinah let out a breath as she was staring at the house before walking up to the door. As she put her hand on the door knob she found that it wouldn't twist open.

"Place is locked," she said as she looked back at Lauren who hadn't moved from the car, "Lauren!"

"Right, sorry, coming, it's just, there's something watching us from the window," Lauren said as she rushed over to Dinah .

"I know, I saw it too,"

"Okay, so why are we being insane and going in there? It's for a toy,"

"True, but it's Mani's toy, she loves it because she thinks her mother gave it to her,"

Lauren just looked at her.

"Look she's a kid okay, she should have something that comforts her," Dinah started.

"You're really warming up to her," Lauren stated.

Dinah just shrugged her shoulders.

"Okay, so we run as fast as we can? Get Mr Tibbs and get the hell out of here," Lauren asked.

"GET OUT!" a hollow whispery voice hissed at them.

The two jumped away from the door.

"It isn't safe, not safe," it whispered again.

"I really don't want to go in there," Lauren said, "As much as I care, I'm completely terrified,"

"Maybe if we went through the side window?" Dinah suggested, but before either could do a thing they heard the door click open and an object went flying at their heads.

Dinah screamed and ducked as Lauren caught the item and screamed running back to the car. Dinah scrambled to the car and opened it and slammed the door shut. Hearing Lauren also jump in while screaming and sob in fear.

"The hell did it throw at you Lo?" Dinah asked as the two regain some of their breath.

"Oh, a Rabbit Doll in tail coats," Lauren said as she finally opened her eyes to see what soft object was in her hands.

"I hope to god that that's Mr Tibbs,"

"Why would something that creepy be helping us?"

"No idea, but something isn't right, how the hell was Mani living like this?"

"I don't know, but let's get out of here,"

Dinah obliged as she started the car and the two drove off.

"FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, I can't believe that shit is real," Dinah said as she hit the steering wheel while they were waiting at the lights, "I mean, I just, I always thought it was superstition and that it didn't matter, I just, god, I can't believe our traditions, our ways, I just,"

"Me too D, I just, I don't know what I truly believe because I was spoon fed my beliefs, but that, god," Lauren stated.

"We should go back to my place first, let's hope that what Lani said isn't going to happen, I need to find my grandma's book,"

"Let's go,"

After the two went to Dinah's house to pick up the book, they drove back to Lauren place.

Upon arriving and entering the house, they saw Zara sitting on the floor playing patty cake with Normani while Lani and Ally were sitting and staring at Lauren's computer; (that Ally had taken from her room - not that Lauren cared); and a picture that Zara had obviously sketched.

"Hello?" Lauren said as Normani looked up.

"MR TIBBS," she yelled happily as she ran to Lauren and took the doll from her hands and hugged it, "Thank you, thank you, thank you,"

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