Chapter 19

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Character death***

"Okay, so let me get this right, Normani has now appeared as her usual sixteen year old self, but still stuck in the body of a four year old; and yet she was powerful and angry enough to basically just teleport from the park and is probably now at her house and facing down that fuck-face Tenebris?" Dinah said as she drove Lauren to Normani's house. Ally was made to go home to her parents as Dinah felt it'd be safer there for her; well, after she gave the short blonde a protective charm that is.

Miss Parrish had gone back to the hospital in case anything tried to hurt Kehlani, and Milika and Clara were travelling to Normani's house in another car.

Why didn't they stop their girls from coming along? Have you ever tried to stop a teenager from doing anything especially when they were dead set on doing it anyway? Yeah, that's why.

So here Lauren and Dinah were, driving to Normani's house after Clara and Lauren drove back to get the Tongan pair and fill them in with what had happened.

"Yeah, I just, I haven't seen her so sad and angry before," Lauren said as she rubbed the side of her head.

"Lo, she did just lose her best friend," Dinah said as she looked carefully around the road.

"I know,"

"Right, plan, what are we going to do?"

"I don't know, I just, I just think we need to be there and help her, I don't want her to go insane,"

"Considering all the bullshit she's had to put up with all these years, I doubt she'll go bat shit insane, call it my gut, but I don't think she will,"

As the two girls pulled into the driveway they saw the little girl standing there, almost like she was waiting for them. The mothers hadn't yet arrived.

"Normani," Lauren said as she ran out of the car and looked at the little girl.

"Hey Lauren," Normani said, "I figured you'd be here so I thought it best to wait,"

"Normani you don't have to face him yet,"

"But I do, I'm tired Lauren, I'm just too tired to keep this up, my body is failing and I can feel it dying, I've left this for too long,"


"My body is failing because it can't hold the power that I have, it's why I had to grow up and why it would have been safe to train me as a teenager, then again I shouldn't have had my powers bound, my parents should have realised this because my body needed to get used to it,"


"It is the way things are, I need to defeat him so I can get my body back, so I can get my life back,"

"I'll be here for you,"

"I know, but you and Dinah shouldn't be here, neither should you two," Normani said loudly as Clara and Milika walked up to her.

"We need to be here for you, surly you feel it," Milika said as Normani looked up at her.

"Indeed, though I suppose I can't be everywhere at once, you guys need to make sure that nothing breaks out of my house,"

"What about me?" Lauren asked.

Normani looked up at her and smiled, "You're better than you think you are Lauren, you may not have your mother's psychic ability, but you have the power of heaven behind you, and you know the words and chants, you help set up a protective barrier around the place because that is needed, but first, Dinah you need to help the spirits cross over, starting with Bubbe, she's been here for too long too,"

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