Chapter 16

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(OG AN): 1. This chapter is not intended to tear apart or dishonour the Genesis story in any way; however, parts of the "reveal" that Stoic does mention has been debated by Christian scholars as to what happened in the garden of Eden, anyway, before we go into theological debates, please remember that this is also just a story. I felt it important to put this disclaimer(?) here as theological/biblical debates are best left for elsewhere and not in a story meant to entertain.
As the four adults, well, three adults and one demon were downstairs dealing with Demon Zara, the four teens, well, three teens and one child were all upstairs.

"This is bogus," Dinah said as she flopped onto the couch and crossed her arms.

"Yeah, bogus," Normani said as she copied Dinah and flopped onto the couch and crossed her arms.

Ally giggled at the two, "Look out DJ, you're being a Mama Duck,"

Dinah looked over at Normani who looked back at her. She uncrossed her arms and sat up, so did Normani. She leaned back again, so did Normani.

She sat up and glared at the little brunette, Normani did it too, except when she tried to glare she ended up wrinkling her nose in that adorable yet I wanna slap you (playfully) kid kind of way.

"Are you copying me?" Dinah asked.

"No," Normani said with a grin.

"Cheeky monkey,"

"I'm not a monkey, LAUREN! Dinah called me a monkey," Normani pouted as she looked at the blonde.

"Well, you can be a bit of a monkey," Lauren said as she held Normani in her arms; Normani pouted at that as Lauren continued, "But I like monkeys,"

That made Normani smile, "That's good," she said as she hugged Lauren, "Lauren, can we play a game, I'm bored,"

"Um, okay, what would you like to play?"

"Hide and seek,"

"She seriously wants to play hide and seek with all these creepy things happening to her?" Dinah asked Ally quietly.

"Shush, she's a child, she's fearless," Ally said, "Can I play too Normani? PLEASE!"

"Yay, you can play, and Dinah too, I just wish Kehlani was here to play with us, we should ask Kehlani to play with us," Normani said happily as the other four looked to the ground, "Where's Kehlani?"

"She's in the hospital, remember?" Dinah said softly.


"Because someone tried to hurt her, but we saved her so she's just healing, okay, I promise she'll get better," Dinah said.

"Okay, I trust you, let's play, Ally you count and we'll go hide,"

"Will you guys clap when I ask you to?" Ally asked.


"Dinah," Lauren asked as she walked over to the Tongan.

"Yeah?" Dinah asked.

"How safe is your house?"

"As far as I know it's sealed, it should be completely safe, after grams, after she, when she,"

"I know, I'm sorry,"

"Yeah, after she passed, Mama went overboard with spells and incantations, she's even hidden herbs and sigils around the house, it should be safe, the only reason that demon using Zara's body was able to pass was because we allowed him in, as for Stoic, I think it's because he's good,"

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