Chapter 9

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"Dinah sit your butt in that chair," Alma commanded as Dinah kept pacing...again.

"Dinah, you can hold Mr Tibbs," Normani offered as she held up her bunny for the girl.

"That's okay tiny," Dinah said as she huffed and then sat down in the chair as she watched Miss Parrish, Clara, Alma and Milika stand around her.

Earlier, once everyone had finished their breakfast that morning, the mothers had called the school and said that their children would be out of school for the day due to illness of some nature; which the school being what it was just took their word for it.

Normani's parents were finally reached and they were horrified to hear about what had happened.

"You'd think we remember to call them the moment this happened," Clara had said as she had waited for them to answer the phone.

As the conversation continued between Clara and the Hamiltons; she told them that they had Normani in their care and she was protected before telling them what they were planning to do. The parents wanted to come home, they had to see their daughter but Clara advised against it.

"That demon will use any vantage point it has to hurt Normani, don't come back just yet, how long is your trip for anyway? And why is Normani all alone?" Clara had asked.

"We discussed it and we thought it was safe enough for her to be alone, nothing out of the ordinary had happened in a while and she has her necklace, she okay'd it with us and she's also sixteen, she's old enough to be on her own, we thought she had friends she'd go see," Drea had said.

Clara couldn't answer to that part.

"We can always come back," Derrick had said to her.

"No, continue your trip, how long are you away for?" Clara had said.

"Another three weeks, but this is our daughter we can come back,"

"No, you will be targeted and we can't risk that,"

"Then please call us everyday,"

"I will, oh, and do I have your permission to let Normani go on a Camping Trip with the Music Club?"

"Will she be safe there?"

"No safer than she is here with us, but I will be there, I volunteered as a parent supervisor, and Kehlani's mom is coming too,"

"Okay, that makes us feel better, please, keep us posted, and tell Normani we love her,"

"I will,"

And when that conversation was over, the four older women made sure to fix the wording of their incantations so that the demon, for now, wouldn't be able to attack or hurt the girls in anyway, as well as making sure that they themselves were now protected.

"We can take no chances now," Alma said.

"But what if the demon is tricking us again? What if the incantations and trinkets don't help?" Ally asked.

"For persistent things like that, that is always the risk but we can try anyway,"

Ally just sighed.

The ritual to unlock Dinah's ability didn't take too long and by the end of it the Tongan didn't actually feel any different.

"I don't feel different," she said as Normani walked up to her and sat on her lap and gave her a smile, "Hey Tiny,"

"Mr Tibbs wants to say hi to you," Normani said as she offered Mr Tibbs to Dinah, "What is he saying to you?"

Dinah held the rabbit doll in her hands and looked at it, "I don't," she started then said, "He's sad, very sad,"

Inner Child's DemonWhere stories live. Discover now