Chapter 2

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"Good morning, good morning, good morning," a small, high-pitched, voice was cheerfully heard saying as Dinah groaned in annoyance as she felt small hands nudging at her side attempting to wake her up.

"Argh, go AWAY," she grumbled as she pulled her blankets over head and turned over.

"But Dinah, good morning,"

"Fine, good morning, go away,"

"But we can play now,"

"No, go away,"


"I said GET LOST," Dinah snapped as she nudged the small girl away.

Normani's bottom lip trembled at that as she sniffed.

"Not working, god why did I agree to this?" Dinah grumbled as Normani was heard slowly walking out of her room and thumping down the stairs.

"Oh hello Normani ," Ally's voice was heard, "Why are you crying?"

'Oh crap,' Dinah thought as she rolled out of bed, miscalculated and landed with a big oomph onto the floor, "Ow,"

Meanwhile downstairs Ally was holding Normani in her arms, "Did you have a good sleep?" she asked.

"Yeah," the child said with a wobbly voice.

"Hey no tears now, okay,"


"Would you like breakfast? I know Dinah has Chocolate Pop-tarts hidden away,"

At the word chocolate the child stopped her tears and looked at the blonde.

"You have pwetty eyes," she said mispronouncing her R.

"Yes I do, you have chocolate eyes," Ally said with a smile.

"But you won't eat me right?"

"No, of course not, but I will tickle you,"

Normani squealed with laughter as she struggled out of Ally's grasps and failed and ended up twisting around the blonde's arms.

"Ah, I've got you now manibear," Ally said with a laugh as Dinah entered the living room.

"The hell?" she started as Ally let Normani go and the small brunette bounced up to Dinah .

"Dinah, Dinah Ally said I can have dockolate," Normani said happily, "We can eat now,"

Dinah just shot Ally a look before walking to the front door as the bell rang.

"Hey Lo," Dinah said, "The hell are you doing with that thing?"

"This thing is a booster seat, Mani still to young and too small to sit on her own, we're putting this in whoever cars she's going in, mine or yours,"

"Oh please, please, please, you take her,"


"She complains too much and she keeps trying to sleep in my room,"

"Awww, cute,"

"Please you take her,"

"Fine, fine, fine,"

"Hey Lo," Ally said as Normani followed behind the taller blonde, pop-tart partly hanging out of her mouth as she was attempting to eat it without using her hands.

"Hey, hands on pop-tart," Dinah said sternly as Normani did as she was told.

"Hey Sweetie," Lauren said as she waved a hello to Normani.

Normani shyly hid behind Ally.

"Aww Mani, that's just Lauren ," Ally said.

"She's really pwetty," Normani tried to whisper but being four had no concept of keeping her voice down.

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