Chapter 7: Kalos part 2

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"My son, a champion." said Jace's father with pride. "We are so proud of you Jace." said his mother. "Thanks mom, Thanks Dad." said Jace. He hears some one walk into the champion's battle field on the other side. "Sorry, i have to go. There's a challenger." said Jace. "I'm here to challenge the champion." said the challenger. "Well, your in over your head, kid. Come on out, Lucario!"

3 months later

Being champion was not all it was cut out to be. Everywhere he went, there was people wanting to take selfies with him or wanting to battle. Jace was getting tired of it. One day he decided he would take a break by looking for a piece of Charizardite Y. He could then Mega evolve his Charizard. So he set out to find some.

5 weeks later

When he finally found some, he had also found some Gardeviorite and a diamond. He decided he would keep both to himself, even though he had no use for the Gardeviorite. When he finally got back to the Pokémon league, he found a LONG list of challengers. The next few says would be very annoying.

6 days later

Today Jace was finally going start training his Charizard so he can successfully Mega evolve it. On they're first day of training, Charizard didn't even mega evolve. On the second day, Charizard did mega evolve, but it only lasted 30 seconds. On the third day of training, it only lasted a few minutes. On the 4th day, it lasted a few hours.

2 weeks later

Being champion had become a lot better for Jace. Battles ended much faster, and he even stopped seeing paparazzi everywhere.

"Happy birthday Jace!" said his uncle "You're now 16 years old." "Yeah. 16. I should probably go back to the Pokémon league.

"Hey, Professor Oak, I think I'm going to come back to Kanto and challenge Red." Jace said into the computer monitor. "Well, here's the thing. He's not in Kanto at the moment." said the old Professor. "WHAT? WHERE IS HE THEN?" yelled Jace with a look of concern. "Well...... he's in Alola."

End chapter 7

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