Chapter 16

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While I was getting ready to close after spending an extra our cleaning, I called Tati.

"Wassup Babygirl , you ready?" She said over the phone.

"Yeah baby" I said smiling. Hearing her voice always turned me and when she got here , I planned on showing her just how much.

"Aight BG , I'll be there in 10 minutes" and she hung up.

I go behind the bar to get some liquor and bend over to get a shot glass. It's when I turn around and everything gets blurry.Tasha slaps me hard in the face and I stumble back. All I see was Tasha's half way sober ass grab me up and cover my mouth slamming my body against hers. As I'm trying to scream and push her back , she pushes my head back and she whispers "I've been waiting for this moment for a very long time Jazzy" she smirks wickedly. I'm screaming but nothing really comes out except muffled sounds from her hand over my mouth. As she holds a strong grip against my body , she slowly slides her hand under my dress while she laughs. I begin to cry and panic while trying to push her dirty hands away. " Ohh Jazzy , you don't like that ?" she asks sarcastically. As she pushes me down against the bar locking all access to my legs and arms, my phone begins to ring. She uncovers my mouth and I start to yell and cry for help. Tasha turns around and punches me straight in the face. "Shut the fuck up bitch ! Nobody's gonna hear your hoe ass now !" Tasha yelled. I was in and out of consciousness and all I felt was Tasha pulling up my dress and played with my pussy. I whimpered and began to cry because I couldn't move and when she looked up, she had a sinister look in her eyes. All I saw was her pull out her strap and slid it over her pants and than I blacked out.

Jazz & Tati (Lesbian)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora