Chapter 27

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I pulled up at Tiffany's house and saw Tiff holding back Shawnice from putting hands on Nicole while Nicole yelled out shit. "TIFF GET THIS RATCHET ASS HOE OFF OUR FUCKIN PORCH" Shawnice yelled. "STFU BITCH BEFOFE I BEAT YOUR LITTLE SKINNY ASS!" Nicole yelled ready to pounce. I looked around and saw the neighbors were peeking through their windows and doors trying to find out the big commotion while Tiff pulled her girl into the house to calm her down. I ran out my car and yanked Nicole to the side . "WTF ARE YOU DOING HERE ?!" I yelled at her.

Nicole just stared at me frozen .

"HELLOO ?" I said aggravated

She lowered her head " I made a mistake Tati, I know what I did was fucked up but I miss you and I miss what we had"

"Bitch are you stupid ? You slept with my blood not once but MULTIPLE times and claimed you loved him and now you trying to come back to me !?? If you think that's what's gonna happen than your ass is dumber than I thought ! Don't even waste anymore of your time here , I been done with your ass! You can LEAVE !" I said walking away angrily. As I walked away towards my car, Nicole kept pulling me "baby I'm sorry ! I need you ! I didn't mean itt! Pleaseeee listenn , I'm sorry Tati ! Im still in love with you Tati, just give me a chance to explain !" She cried. I turned around and saw the girl I once was--is still in love with. I never realized how much I still cared seeing her crying and begging me for forgiveness. I didn't think I had it in my heart to move past it but I knew the love was still there. Moving out of state after seeing her fuck my brother broke me completely. This was the woman I planned to give my life to but all she did was break me . I dealt with her cheating ass for so long but my brother ? That was something that cut deep . Even worse, she claimed they loved each other. All there was left to do was pack up and leave without ever discussing it again. I didn't know what to do at the moment but just listen. "Where are you staying" I asked her.

"I don't have anywhere to go , I just got on the first flight here. Can I stay with you?" She asked still crying.

"Uh that ain't a good idea , you need to find somewhere to stay" I told her.

"please Tati, all I want to do is talk! I promise I'm not going to act out " she begged.

I looked at her and I told her to get in. I knew it was a bad idea but I didn't know what else to say.

Jazz & Tati (Lesbian)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu