Chapter 39

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The next morning we woke up, showered and got dress to go out for breakfast at Ihop. I wore my retro 12s with a white v neck polo shirt & white denim nudie jeans with my big gold hoops. I brushes down my baby hair & straightened the rest of my hair. When I went out to wait for Diamond, she came out looking really sexy. She had her hair straightened down with a strapless white fitted dressed that showed her curves, diamond stud earrings, and silver strapped flat Sandals. Her body glowed as she got her keys and bag.

We sat at our table to eat breakfast at the restaurant and I explained to her about Tati's ex Nicole and the whole situation. I also told her how Tiffany tried to get at me in my house after we started hanging out. The last time I saw Tiffany, she came to chill with me for a movie at my house and ended up kissing me & there were multiple attempts until I went off on her. She would try calling me or texting me apologizing and asking me not to tell Shawnice but I just had to. I wouldn't have said anything if it was one time but she tried numerous times and Shawnice ended up not taking it well. I updated Shawnice about everything that's happened including things with Tiffany and she wasn't happy & distant for a few days but she came over to my house and we dealt with the situation. That just made our f. We check up on each other here and there but because of Tiffany, it's a little awkward for us since they're working through it.

"That's some shit" Diamond said shaking her head.

"I know that's----" I stopped when my phone started ringing from an unknown number.

"Hello ?" I said into the phone.
"Hey BG" . I heard Tati's voice and I instantly lost all my appetite.

"what's wrong boo ?" Diamond asked worriedly.

I gestured for her to hold on as I got up and walked out the restaurant.

"what do you want Tatiana?" I said.

"I just want to talk & see your beautiful face. Please Jazz" she said.

"After a month and a half you choose to want to see me now !?"

"Please Jazz ! All I'm asking is for a few minutes of your time ! . Can I come by later tonight ?? " she begged.

"I'll let you know!" I said as I hung up the phone.

I went back to Diamond who had a worried look on her face and I explained to her that Tati called me wanting to see me.

She automatically understood and agreed that I needed to see her.

"You guys need to sit down and talk and figure things out or at least to get some closure babe" she said.

I knew she was right even if I didn't want to admit it. It's been long enough.

After eating, we drove to the outlet buying a little bit of everything. As we walked down the aisles together we got a few compliments on how great we looked together. We did look like a couple since we were holding hands but we just laughed it off and kept moving. I have to admit, if my heart still wasn't with Tati & Diamond with her ex, we would've probably dated but a growing friendship is what we had for now. We both needed comfort and since there was an attraction from the very beginning, we just went with it. I don't know what to call it but whatever it is, I'm enjoying it. We later got a mani & pedi and she drove me home. When she parked in front of my house I turned to say bye. "Bye Baby" I said. As I turned to get out the car, she grabbed my face and kissed me until our tongues became entangled and in between my thighs became wet.

"Mhmm" she said. "Tell me how it goes with Tati tonight"

"Whoa!" I smiled seductively, "I got you" I said as I got out the car knowing that if I stayed there would be more than just kissing.

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