Chapter 45

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(On the phone)

"Hello Mother" I rolled my eyes. I wasn't in the mood for another one of her slick comments about my lifestyle.

"You know not to answer my calls in that tone girl"

"I'm sorry mom, how are you ?"

"Thank you for asking, I am well. How is the living situation going so far ?"

"It's fine. I'm still unpacking and getting things in order. It's only been about 3 weeks mom."

"I still don't approve of you moving. Especially in a city full of dikes but it is your choice. When you've figured yourself out then I'm sure you will come home."

"Seriously mother ! Is this what you called for ? " I said . I was starting to get irritated by the minute.

"No child ! Watch your tone. You remember my good friend Liz right ?"

I had a feeling my mother was up to something.

"Yes. How is she ?"

"I know you don't give a damn how she's doing but it's her son, Alexander. He just graduated Yale & he would be perfect for you. Maybe he can help you get pass this unacceptable lifestyle you've chosen."

"Mother I love women ! What don't you understand ! I'm 24 years old , stop acting as if I'm going through a phase !"

I was beyond frustrated.

"Well like I was saying, he is coming into town for a few days and I would like you to pick him up from the airport and maybe you guys can just do what young folks do now a days. I have already spoken to him and given him your number. He should be arriving shortly. He said he will contact you when he lands. It should be sometime tonight. So get to cleaning and decorating! No time to waste! "


"Nyah Sinclair ! It's Final . No If's, and, or buts. I have to go now , I have brunch with Liz. I'll talk to you later."

She said as she hung up . I don't know when my mother was going to realize that none of this was a phase.

Living in New York with my mom was never easy. We never had that mother daughter relationship. It was always school, formal events, and fake rich people who tried getting close to you just so they can be nosey. I hated my lifestyle that had been forced on me so I did what most would do. I graduated NYU at the top of my class and got my trust fund after graduation and got out. I stayed in New York for almost a year because I was in a secret relationship with my girlfriend that I met in school. She was my first but after four years of keeping us a secret, she left. I didn't blame her and did some soul searching and finally decided to come out to my mom. It was hell dealing with her and her slick comments and trying to set me up with guys so I decided to move.

I relaxed in my new furnished condo and thought back to a couple of nights when I met Tatiana. She looked like she just stepped out of an Armani magazine sitting at the bar. I was sexually frustrated and she looked like a good time but it turned into a different direction by the time she left. She was in a situation, a complicated one at that and I was not one for being a homewrecker so we just talked. But I needed a satisfying releases after talking to my mom and I knew that my toy was not going to help. Fuck ! I got up and finished the last of placing things and decorating. After a long day of blasting music and cleaning, my house finally looked complete , only thing left was to buy groceries. She noted to do that the next morning.

Nyah's phone began ringing.

"Fuck" she said as she rolled over in her bed. She grabbed her phone and answered.

"Hey Nyah , it's Alexander. Sorry to wake you..."

"I'm sure you are" I replied sarcastically.

He laughed.

"Well I'm guessing your mother told you I was arriving last night. I'm in Atlanta but I crashed at a friends house not to wake you since I came in late last night. Would you mind picking me up from his house?"

"Sure , text me the address and I'll be on my way" I said.

"Alright, Bye"

I hung up and through a fit in my bed in frustration. After a few minutes I got a text from him with an address and got ready. I still had to make a stop at the grocery store so he would just have to come along. After following the directions on my navigator for about 40 minutes, I pulled up in front of a small but nice looking house. I beeped for Alexander to come out and after a few minutes, he and his friend came out embracing each other. After a few seconds they pulled apart and he came walking down to my car. I popped the trunk for him as he placed his luggage in the trunk. It was a little odd that two guys embraced like that. It made me laugh a little. As he got in , he looked at me smiling. "What's so funny ?"

"Oh nothing really, just my friend" I lied. As I drove off, I told him I had to stop by the market. I looked at him and I was taken back. Surprisingly he was very handsome and had a great physique. I couldn't lie, I was impressed when he saw me looking and flashed me a sexy smile.

After about an hour of grocery shopping and talking to Alexander , we made it to the cashier. Turns out we had a few things in common about living with uppity mothers and our lifestyles. While we packed the groceries into the car, a flashy black Mercedes-Benz pulled up next to us. It looked so fly but what surprised me more was the seeing Tatiana & the beautiful girl. It was Tatiana that surprised me but the girl. She was even more beautiful than I saw in pictures. When Tatiana finally noticed me she was a little shocked.

"Heyyy Nyah !" She said a little nervously.

I laughed knowingly but she had nothing to worry about.

"Hey You !" I said giving her a friendly hug .

"This must be the beautiful woman that has you going crazy" I looked at her laughing.

She laughed showing off her dazzling smile .

"I'm Jasmyne by the way" "You're seriously gorgeous !" She said genuinely.

I couldn't help but laugh as I was just thinking the same about her. I introduced Alexander to both of them. "So are you family ?" Jasmyne asked us both.

"Oh No ! Our mothers are good friends and he just came down to visit to see Atlanta. I just moved here about a 3/4 weeks ago." I answered her.

"No she meant are you guys gay/lesbians??" Tatiana said laughing out loud.

"I'm a lesbian and Alexander is straig---" I said as he interrupted me.

"GAY" he answered confidently. I was shocked but I didn't show it.

"Wow that's great ! We should definitely hang out sometimes guys. Babe take their numbers" Jasmyne said. After exchanging numbers, we finished packing the car and was on our way in silence.

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