Chapter 29

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I turned around in bed and saw Nicole's naked body sleeping next to me. Damn, I told myself. Her body was what drew me to her in the first place. She was a honey caramel complexion with full lips and chinky eyes. She didn't have long curly hair like Jazz but hers was shoulder length and bone straight. I thought about the crazy things we used to get into. I couldn't lie, I missed her sexy body but the bad always seemed to outweigh the good when it came to her. I shook my head and got up a little annoyed and went to brush my teeth. What made her think it was okay for her to sleep in my damn bed I asked myself. When I finished I walked up to her and pulled her out of her sleep . "Yo wake up & get off my bed !" I said rudely. I added more pressure since she wasn't trying to get up and mumbling shit I didn't care about.

"Alright , alright I'm up Tee ! You don't have to be all that aggressive!" She yawned while getting up.

"Should've kept your little ass in the guest room" I said still annoyed.

"So I can't sleep next to you now ?" She asked with an attitude.

"No Nicole , go take a shower and put on some clothes and meet me in the living room" I said grabbing my phone and walking away.

She sucked her teeth "okay" .

I checked my phone to see if I got a good morning message or call from Jazz like I always do but I knew I wasn't getting one because of how I acted yesterday morning. I decided to text her.

"Good Morning Beautiful,  I Love You ♥"

I didn't know what else to say or how to explain to her what happened in less than 24 hours, Nonetheless explain it to myself so I sent it.

Twenty minutes later Nicole comes down in some black leggings and a tight Jersey shirt and her Jordans. She sat down next to me and just waited until I said something.

"Talk ! don't look at me as if you're a victim" I told her.

Her eyes began watering & I waited impatiently. She shouldn't have been crying , it should have been me. I was the one that got cheated on.

"Look Tee, we been through a lot in the past three years and yeah I fucked up beyond repair by sleeping with your brother behind your back but I was lonely ! That's not an excuse but that's the truth ! You were always working, going to school, and on top of that flying back and forth out of state! I knew you loved me but Trey was there physically when you weren't. I slept alone at nights wishing you were there and one night I was horny and lonely and your brother came to check up on me and everything just went from there. He comforted me , pleased me, and cared for me . I thought I loved him but losing you was worse baby" she said.

Hearing her tell me all that bullshit my mood went from calm to pissed in seconds. Every line that came out her mouth sounded like straight bullshit .



"He's back home, I told him that I was still in love with you and he kicked me out" she said. She cried while she walked towards me and got on her knees . "Tatiana pleaseee , I need you . I know it won't be easy but I want us to try baby pleasee." She begged. " I'm falling apart without you, I'll do anything Tee please " She stared at me and put her hands on the side of my face . "Just answer this one question , Do you still love me ? " she asked.

I felt like I was about to fall apart in her hands . All these emotions had me confused. "I can't do this Nicole , you hurt me too deep" I said moving her hands. I really wanted to tell her how I felt but every time I think about it, I see her and Trey.

She got up and wiped her face , "Just tell me if you don't and I'll leave. I still love you baby , do you still love me ?" I looked at her and I got weak "Yes I still love you" I whispered. She wrapped her arms around me and sat down on my lap and leaned in kissing me . A let it continue for a while but I knew I done fucked up. All I could picture in my head was Jazz. That's who my heart was with now and I didn't want to risk losing her. Yeah I still loved Nicole but it was over between us, somethings just can't be forgiven. I pulled her off me and got up. As I walked towards the other side of the living room my phone vibrated. Nicole reached for it when she saw it was Jazz and my heart began racing quickly. Right when I was about to snatch the phone from her hand, she answered. "Hello ?" She said. In less than a minute her whole body language changed. "don't question me ! Who are you ?" She said with an attitude. I snatched the phone from her and took a deep breath. "Hello baby girl ! I can explain, calm down !" I said nervously .

Nicole looked at me confused . "Baby? .."

I shook my head , what the hell did I get myself into.

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