Chapter 46

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After spending the day at Clark Atlanta admissions office last week, I finally got settled with a few courses in business management. I was kind of getting tired of just shopping and doing nothing. I didn't need a job, I had money of my own to live comfortably but why just be all beauty when I can have knowledge also. I realized that while I was with Tati, it was all about her and I didn't want that kind of life anymore. I think about Shawnice and see what she dealt with Tiff and I don't want that to be me. I want my independence and so I made my decision. Shawnice went with me to go register and ever since I started class, I've been very happy even though I have a lot of work to do.

As I was studying and reviewing my work for class the next day, my doorbell rang. I got up in my sweats and tshirt and went to answer. Surprisingly, Diamond showed up with a bouquet of flowers. I smiled and let her in. I knew what was coming.

"Hey Jazz" she said giving me a kiss. She handed me the flowers and I thanked her. She sat on my couch and gestured for me to sit down.

"why haven't you gotten back to me" she asked. I could see she was hurt.

"Well I registered for school last week and I've been with Tati the rest of the time so I've been busy" I said.

"Really Jazz ? What's up with you Tati anyway ?"

"We're taking it slow and just spending time with each other. . "

"Has she fucked you Jazz ?" She stared at my face.

"why does that matter Diamond ? "

"I guess it doesn't, so I guess 'us' is not in the books right ? " she said getting up. "wait ! " I said grabbing her hand .

"I'm sorry Diamond but I told you I was still very much into Tati & I didn't want anything serious. " I said trying to make things better.

"I know! But I was just a piece of ass to you !"

"Hell No ! D you know we connected on a friendship level before we started fuckin. Don't even come with that shit" I said irritated.

She grabbed my hand and pulled me towards her.

"Jazz I really like you but if you don't want anything more than a friendship then I guess I'll just have to deal with it. I would rather have you in my life as a friend than not at all."

Damn ! Why did she have to be so understanding. She stared at me and all I could do was kiss her. We kissed until our bodies became heated until she pulled away. "We can't do this Jazz ! We need some boundaries . I can't get any deeper than I already am. Strictly friend-zone . "

I looked at her like she was crazy but I knew she was right but it would be hard when she always looked so good in her sneakers or heels. This time it was her stilettos, her hip hugging skinny jeans, and V-Neck. She even looked sexy taking her heels off. I stared at her in amazement.

"JAZZ ! " she yelled.

"Huh?" I looked at her confused.

"I'm gonna cook , come help me ! I'm hungry and I don't wanna be home alone. I'll help you study too. Tell me about school so far"

I just smiled at her. "You're going to make someone very happy one day"

She looked at me and smiled. "I was hoping it would be you but I hope it's someone as good as you" she said laughing. She began cooking dinner while I told her about my classes and teasing her. I would sneak up behind her and kiss her behind her ears , neck , and shoulders while I caressed her body. She would giggle and whisper stop but I knew she didn't want me to. I knew it was wrong but I liked everything about her at that moment. Sometimes she would turn around and kiss me back but that was all . We never did more than just kiss that afternoon.

"Mhmm Diamond ! Girl you can cook" I said satisfied with the bake macaroni and bbq chicken.

She laughed ! "Well I'm glad you like it cuz it might be your last meal from me.! I have to save my skills for my future girlfriend."

"Damn that's cold Diamond but I hear you" I said smirking.

"okay let's get to studying ! Bring out your books . I'm proud of you by the way" she said smiling.

With that , we studied for an hour or two and watched some movies until we fell asleep . Next morning I woke up to breakfast on the table and no Diamond. I checked my phone with a two new messages, one from Diamond and the other from Tati.

-Hey Jazz , sorry I left so early. Have a busy morning ahead of me. Have a good day at school! Ttyl , xoxo

-Good Morning Beautiful , thinking about you .

I replied to Diamond thanking her for the banging breakfast and got ready for class. As I drove to school, I called Tati and we talked until I had to go to class.

"what's my future wife doing ?"

I grinned. "Getting ready for class, what you doing ?"

"I was thinking about taking you out this weekend. I wanna spend some time with you"

"okay , it's a date ! I'll text you later, I gotta go ! Love you " I said and hung up. I was excited for my date with Tati. It's the first time we've been in a date in a long time and I was looking forward to it. So far my morning was turning out good.

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