Chapter 26

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At this point I'm fuckin pissed ! I didn't expect my morning to go like this . I didn't want to get into an argument with Tati but I had a feeling something wasn't right and some shit was about to happen. She was all good until she got on the phone. I knew it was Tiff from the caller ID so I didn't really think much of it until I felt Tati's body tense up as she pushed me off her. I don't understand why she just walked Into the bathroom whispering shit on the phone. I'm her fuckin girl and she can't even be real with me ? I said to myself pacing back and forth. But, all I could really do was wait . I didn't want to be one of those over exaggerated girlfriends and go off for something I didn't know about. So I chose to wait up on her to call me or come back to my house but that night, she did neither.

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