Chapter 47

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"So you're gay ?" I asked Alexander while we sat in my living room watching movies.

After about two days of meaningless conversing, we finally discussed it.

"Yes I am. But my mother doesn't know, she would disown me if she were to ever find out.The whole purpose of coming to Atlanta was to see the guy I've been dating for a while. He attended Yale on a full scholarship & we started dating on the low cuz both of us had a lot to lose. He's staying at his deceased grandma's house temporarily until we decide on the next step."

I laughed ! It was just such a coincidence that the one guy my mother sends to me is homosexual.

"what's so funny Nyah ??" He looked at me like I was crazy. I explained to him about how I came out to my mother and how she was sending you to try and straighten me up but it turns out you aren't so straight yourself! " We looked at each other and started laughing ! "That's some crazy shit " he said.

"But what next step are you guys talking about ?"

"Well we want to move in together. After four years of being together we think it's time but he doesn't wanna go ahead without me coming out to my mother."

"Do you think you're ready for that ?"

"Honestly, No . It's not as easy as it seems. He doesn't have anything to lose anymore. After he graduated Yale, he told his grandma in the hospital before she died but it seems like it was already known. He's by himself now so he doesn't have any worries like I do. I could lose my parents coming out. "

I nodded my head in understanding. I knew exactly how he felt. I put my head on his shoulders and we continued watching the movie.

For the rest of the week, Alexander and I shopped, went clubbing, and out to eat. We also had serious conversations about his boyfriend. Sometimes when he wasn't with me, he was with Vince. He would either come in happy or frustrated depending on how their day went. They were still trying to figure out the whole moving situation. But I was a little happy not hearing from my mother. I knew she would only be calling to see if we were "enjoying each others company". But that happiness was short lived. As Alex and I made breakfast, my phone went off. I ran into the living room and picked it up only to find my mothers name written across the screen. I prepared myself for what was coming.

"Good Morning mother ! How are you ?"

Alex looked in my direction and giggled. He was so fuckin beautiful. He had high cheekbones with full lips and smooth chocolate complexion. He was 6 feet with a full worked out body. Every time we went out , girls clinged to him and men stared . I smiled back.

"Hello Child , how are you ?"

"I'm good, just making breakfast with Alex" I knew she would love to hear that.

"Oh Yes ! Alex excellent ! I told you that you just needed the right man to make you see where you should be . I'm very pleased to hear about this good news. I must tell Liz , this is wonderful ! Let me speak to Alexander darling "

I shook my head and called Alex.

"Good Morning Ms.Sinclair , how are you ?" Alex said.

I giggled when I saw Alex posture on the phone. My mother would not approve of him standing like that.

"Good Morning dear , how are things going with my beloved daughter ?"

"Things are great! We get along very. She is truly a beauty." I punched Alex in the arm while laughing. I knew he was trying to make my mother happy.

She laughed ! "Well isn't that just delightful ! Is she also satisfying you while you are there ?"

Alex started laughing !

"She is ma'am . No worries"

"Okay good ! Well I'll talk to you all later . I must go and meet with Liz and tell her . She will be very pleased. Goodbye"

"Well what was so funny ?" I asked.

He laughed .. "well basically your mother just asked if you are fuckin me"

"what the fuck ? What mother says shit like that !" I burst out laughing .

"well let's go eat , I gotta eat after all that fuckin we been doing" he said laughing.

"You mean YOU ! " I laughed . "I haven't gotten any since my last relationship !

He shook his head in disappointment. "Well isn't that unfortunate."

Jazz & Tati (Lesbian)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon