Chapter 2 ~ I'm fine

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"My head.." I mumbled quietly.

"Guys she's awake!" Someone yelled, causing me to wince.

I opened my eyes to see Josh, standing over me looking concerned.

I opened my eyes to see Josh, standing over me looking concerned

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"Are you okay?" Josh whispered.

"I'm fine.." I lied quietly.

Josh just nodded as the others crowded around him.

"Thank God you're okay!" Sam attempted to hug me but I let out a small yelp in reply. "Sorry.." she mumbled.

"It's alright." I gave her a half smile. Suddenly, the events of earlier came flooding back into my head, casing me to sit up quickly from my position on the couch. "Oh my God, Hannah and Beth!!" I yelled. "What happened?!"

"(Y/n) calm down." Ashley tried to settle me.

"No! The cliff! The man! No no no no!" I screamed on the verge of tears.

"(Y/n)! Listen to me." Josh instructed sternly. My breathing began to quicken as I ignored Joshs words. I felt as if someone was crushing my lungs and I was unable to breath.

Josh unexpectedly grabbed my shoulders and gazed into my eyes. "(Y/n) listen to me, it's going to be okay. Can you take a deep breath for me? C'mon, breath with me." He proceeded to take a deep breath in through his nose and exhaled out through his mouth.

I tried my best to copy his breaths but my breathing was still erratic. "Listen to me, everything's going to be okay." I began to take deep breaths and Josh smiled at me. "See, you're alright (n/n)" (Nickname) I glanced at the rest of the group who were all staring with concern on their faces.

I felt embarrassed because they had never seen me have a panic attack before. Well aside from Josh and Sam.

"I'm sorry.. I'm fine." I lied again.

"Are you?" Ashley asked.

"Please just someone tell me what happened." I demanded.

"Well." Sam started. "After you ran into the storm we all didn't really know what to do. Me and Emily got into a little disagreement about what to do but before we did anything we heard you scream so Mike and Matt went out to find you. When they did you were passed out cold and they brought you back here."

"What about Hannah and Beth? Did they come back?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"They're still missing."

"Wait, what were you saying about a man and a cliff?" Josh asked seriously.

A light bulb lit up in my mind as I remembered.

Looks like you've reached your first decision!

Should you tell the others about what you saw? Or should you lie and change the subject?

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