Chapter 14 ~ Split up?

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Your Pov

What's going on? Am I dead? Maybe. Where am I? With my eyes still closed I felt by my sides and discovered I was laying on a couch. I heard quiet voices arguing which became louder as I regained more consciousness.

"Guys! Shhhh! You're going to wake (y/n)." A voice said. I recognized it as Josh and opened my eyes. Guess I'm not dead.

I saw Josh and two other people standing over me. I squinted and tried to get a better look at the other two people, which after a minute I discovered they were Hannah and Beth.

"What the fuck?!" I screamed, nearly jumping out of my skin.

"(Y/n) calm down, let us explain." Hannah soothed.

*Another short time skip brought to you by my lazy ass*

"So let me get this straight... you guys have been hunting those Wendy thingies?"

"Wendigos, yes." Beth responded.

"And one killed Matt and took Jessica?" I nodded to Josh and Mike who had filled me in on the events I missed. Josh and Mike nodded. "Fuck..." I tried to fight off tears. Matt was a really cool dude, I was going to miss him. A lot.

"We have to find Jessica!" Sam cut in.

"Agreed." Mike nodded in approval.

"Are you both crazy!?" Beth yelled. "We'll be slaughtered!"

"If you guys are such great wendigo hunters then you should be fine." Emily snapped, smirking slightly.

"How about this, half of us go to the cable car and wait while the other half go look for Jessica. Then we can all head down together." Josh suggested.

"Good idea." Chris agreed.

"Me, Chris, Ash and Em will all head to the cable car." Hannah spoke up.

"Okay then, me Sam, Mike and Josh will all go find Jess." Beth said reluctantly.

"What about you (y/n)?" Josh asked.

Should you go to the cable car or go look for Jessica?

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