Chapter 5 ~ Samantha and Christopher

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Your Pov

The bus came to a stop at the bottom of the mountain and I exited uneasily. I adjusted my backpack on my shoulders and started down the path, shaking slightly. What was I thinking? Why did I come back? This is going to suck torture.

I continued down the path to the cable car, hoping to get there soon. I had an uneasy feeling in my stomach as if someone was watching me. I made it to the gate, which was the halfway point.

There was a note taped to the gate and I picked it up to read it.

"The gates busted, Climb over! - Chris"

Great, already off to an awesome start. I went to the wall and began to climb up it. After a minute of struggling, I made it up the wall.

I hopped down and continued on my way. I checked my phone to see if I had any notifications and I discovered I didn't even have any service. "Just great." I mumbled bitterly.

I finally made it to the cable car and checked around for any signs of anyone. I saw the bags of Chris and Sam lying on the bench.

"Chris? Sam?" I called out. "Your bags are here but where are you?"

"(Y/n)?" I heard Chris call.

Sam and Chris came running around the corner coming from who knows where. They stopped running for a moment to take in my new appearance. I could feel their eyes scanning over me and I felt uncomfortable.

Chris shook his head slightly and continued to run to me with open arms and Sam trailed behind him.

"(Y/n)! Oh my god I missed you so much! Where've you been loca?!" Chris yelled as he picked me up in a hug spinning me around.

I laughed and hugged him back. "I missed you too Chris."

He set me down and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "Sorry it's just been so long."

"It's alright." I have him a smile as Sam wrapped me in a bear hug.

"Hey (n/n)! How are you?" Sam whispered the last part of her sentence.

"I'm fine. Really." I gave her my best fake smile.

Chris cleared his throat and nodded towards the cable car. "Shall we?" Chris said in a silly accent.

"We shall." I said, mimicking his accent and grabbing onto his arm as Sam grabbed onto his other.

They grabbed their bags on the way to the cable car and lucky for me they had already called the car so I didn't have to wait. We all piled in and Sam and Chris sat across from me.

Chris started to tell us about how he met Josh and about the butterfly effect. I had began to tune him out as I began to worry about the trip. Chris and Sam were obviously worried about me. I had tried to wear baggy clothes but that had made no difference. I saw the looks they were giving me, silently judging me with their eyes.

"(Y/n)?" Sams voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Hmm." I hummed in response, focusing my attention on the two teens across from me.

"Tell us what's going on." Chris said seriously.

"You can talk to us (n/n)" Sam added.

"N-nothings going on guys. Why would you think that?"

Before either of them had time to protest, the cable car came to an abrupt stop. I jumped up and ran towards the door, throwing it open and running out and towards the lodge.

I heard Chris and Sam and what sounded like Jessica all yelling at me to come back.

Do you keep running to the lodge? Or open up to Chris, Sam and Jess?

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