Chapter 3 ~ All my fault

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Your Pov

It had only been a week since I returned home. The night after the tragedy we were all questioned by the police and I told them everything I knew. Then we were free to return home.

We all lived close to each other. Sam, Josh and Chris being only about 20 minets away while Matt, Emily, Mike and Jessica lived about an hour away. I guess Ashley was a different story because she lived in a whole other state but you get the gist.

In the week that I had been home I shut myself in my room. I didn't go to school, I didn't shower, I didn't eat. I only got up occasionally to use the restroom. A few members of the gang had tried contacting me but I just ignored them, thinking it was best.

I was currently laying in my bed, fighting back tears, forcing myself to think of something else. But there was nothing else to distract myself. I let the tears pour out of my eyes and clutched my pillow, sobbing.

A few seconds later, my phone rang and I cursed silently, thinking it was just Sam or Ashley again. I ignored it and continued to sob. Then, yet again my phone began to ring. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my phone, annoyed to see who was calling. To my surprise it was Josh.

After a few seconds of internal debating I answered my phone.

"Hello?" I croaked out, clearing my throat in the process. That was the first thing I had said in a week.

"(Y/n)! Hi! What's wrong? Why are you crying?" Josh asked cluelessly.

"It's all my fault." I sobbed. "I should have saved them."

"No. It's not your fault. It's theirs." Josh spoke angrily.

"I should have gone faster, I could have saved them.. it's all my fault."

"You need to listen to me-"

I cut off Josh by saying. "Josh I'm sorry I can't do this right now. Call me later." I hung up the phone and buried my head into my pillow.

Who knew this was going to be the start of a very long year.


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