Decision ~ Look for Jessica

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Decision ~ You go look for Jessica with Beth, Josh, Mike and Sam

Btw this chapter sucks

Your Pov

"I guess I'll go look for Jessica with you guys." I shrugged. "But where do we even start?"

"The mines." Mike said. "That's where she fell."

"Okay, we'll see you soon." Hannah said. I gave Chris and Ash a hug and winked at Chris. I gave Hannah an extra long hug and said my goodbyes.

Hannah ran up to Josh and held him tightly, almost on the verge of tears.
"I love you big bro." She whispered.

"I love you too little sis." He whispered back.

Me, Josh, Beth, Mike and Sam all headed out into the calm snow. I hugged myself and shivered. Josh noticed this and asked if I was cold.

"A little." I replied.

Josh responded by putting his arm around me and holding me tightly. I blushed a bright shade of pink.

Beth glanced back at us and smirked, rolling her eyes. Sam and Mike were too busy talking to even notice anything else. Talking? Probably scheming and thinking of a plan, which was smart.

We reached the spot where Matt and Emily had fallen and decided that was a good spot to start. Josh had his gaze fixed to the left and looked as if he was going to cry. I looked where he was looking and saw dark blood staining the snow.

"Matt..." I whispered, thinking I was the only one that heard. Josh looked at me and kissed my forehead gently. "It's alright, we'll make it." He said quietly.

"Okay guys listen up, we're here to rescue my girlfriend and then we are off this goddamn mountain. Got it?" Mike ordered.

I scoffed. "Who the fuck put you in charge, Beth should be the one in charge."

Beth spoke up. "No it's okay, I'm just the one with all the experience and knowledge I mean what good is that." She smirked.

Mike rolled his eyes and apologized to Beth. We all decided that she should be in charge and for her to lead us on the rescue.

Beth started climbing down first, followed by Sam and Mike then by Josh. I stood hesitantly at the top, afraid of what might be down there. I sucked it up as best I could and started descending.

Once we all reached the bottom we started walking around as quietly as possible. Josh held tightly to my hand, like he was scared he would lose me. Not that I minded him holding my hand.

"Oh my God!" Sam suddenly screamed, interrupting my thoughts.

We all looked up to where her gaze was fixed and saw the headless body of Matt hanging by his foot from the top of the cave.

Me and Sam burst into tears immediately. Josh and Mike stood misty eyed, holding back tears.

"C'mon let's go." Beth urged softly, her voice full of compassion.

I clutched on to Josh and cried into his shoulder. He then picked me up bridal style and continued following the others.

20 minutes pass \°=°/

We were still wandering in the mines. Josh had put me down when I finally calmed down. Sam had settled down more as well. She was still heartbroken though, I could see it in her eyes.

All five of us jumped what we heard that loud and terrifying shriek yet again. Beth readied her flamethrower and cautiously crept forward.

Beth was taken off guard when a petite blonde swung a shovel at her. It hit her in the arm and she cried out in pain.

"Jessica! You're alive!" Mike cried happily. He ran up to her and gave her a passionate kiss. Jess kissed back as much as she could but she looked like she had really taken a beating.

"Yeah I'm fine thanks." Beth muttered bitterly.

"Well we got Jess! Let's get the hell out of here​!" I yelled impatiently.

The wendigo we heard earlier screamed again, this time closer, causing Jessica to panic.

The wendigo we heard earlier screamed again, this time closer, causing Jessica to panic

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Mike scooped up Jessica and we all ran back the way we came.

*Out of the mines*

We all successfully made it out without being torn in two pieces so I was pretty happy about that.

We were celebrating and heading back to the cable car when we heard yet another wendigo. This time along with the scream, a voice yelled,
"C-chris! Help me!"

I exchanged worried glanced with Josh and we all ran towards the noise. Me, Josh, Mike, Sam and Beth all stood frozen when we saw Ashleys screaming self being thrown violently into the air.

We watched Ashley go back down but what I heard made me wish I was deaf. I heard Ashleys body being torn apart by the wendigo. (Read the other choice to see what happened)

I heard every rib split and her skin being ripped apart.

We all started running and when we finally made it to the scene it was horrifying. There was a burning wendigo by the treeline. Then, Chris was hunched over Ashleys dead body, which had been impaled through the stomach.

Emily was still in shock, along with Hannah.

I didn't get Hannah's attention until I called her name.

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